销售限额旨在帮助您以可管理的方式拓展业务,确保您为买家提供出色的服务。当您能够更轻松地满足买家需求时,我们会为您提高限额。 为了改善您的帮助体验,请您的帐户。 您可能对以下内容感兴趣: 卖家级别和表现标准 监控您的服务指标 您可以随时在卖家专区找到您的销售额度,具体操作如下: ...
I have set up all the details and pressed the submit or list button and then i get something up about selling limits. Are they seriously trying to restrict me to $200 per month. ? I just dont understand this at all. Is my listing not being submitted because i have a buy it now ...
been an eBay seller for 20 years and did not list anything for 6 months = now treated as a new seller with listing limits... I did beg/plead and present my case on chat=first rep wouldn't budge, asked for someone else of more authority and finally got an understanding rep that was...
I created a new account on Dec 19, 2021, and was surprised that I'm limited to selling only 10 items, or $750, max. I sold one item, so I added another to get to my 10 max again. When I tried to add more, it said "wait until the new month resets your limits". OK - I ...
That is one of many reasons for the new seller limits...eBay does not want new sellers listing hundreds of drop shipped items when they have no selling experience. Many of your Sri Lankan cohorts are being suspended and kicked off of eBay because drop shipping is not working out for them....
You're going to have new seller listing limits, so you're not going to want to pay for a store subscription until your number of listings makes it worth it. It'll be a while until you get to that point. A lot of new sellers are restricted to 10 items per month (combination of ac...
Types of eBay Selling & Account Limits There are three types of Selling/Account Limits: Account Category Item To be clear, these limits are not placed on a new account because eBay is “suspicious” about “you” as a new seller. The limitations are are placed in an effort to keep eBay...
以eBay.com为例,我们先进入seller hub,在listing选项卡下选择Create listing。您可以直接在‘Tell us what you’re selling’输入框中输入您想要售卖的产品关键词,例如women dress。此时在输入框下方,eBay根据您输入的关键词弹出相应的产品所属分类供您选择,您可以选择相应的分类进行下一步,也可以不选分类,直接点击...
Looks like you're drop shipping from China. Before opening another account, I would see how this one goes. If you are looking to add more items, you're a new seller and new sellers have limits. You have to prove yourself to Ebay that you are here to an ho...
1,产品放错分类了,目前ebay对产品分类很严格。2,Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 、Jewelry & Watches 、Computers & Networking > Software,这三个分类新的个人卖家是不能上。3,账户刊登受限。【资料】eBay(EBAY,中文电子湾、亿贝、易贝)是一个管理可让全球民众上网买卖物品的线上拍卖及购物网站...