As a buyer, you can take advantage of Make an offer on Ebay to negotiate prices, and pay less for items you want to purchase.
eBay在2019年推出了一项新功能,名为“Offer to Buyer”,允许卖家向买家主动发送报价。通过卖家中心的live listing选项卡,卖家可以为产品设置价格或折扣,并发送给将该产品放入观察列表的买家。此功能在近期进行了升级,以包括多次查看商品的买家。“Offer to Buyer”工具旨在通过情感暗示将购买意向转化为销...
eBay优化了Send Offer to Buyer工具,赋予卖家自动发送报价的便利。此工具是eBay历史上最具成效的功能之一,如今卖家无需手动发送报价,eBay将自动将报价送达潜在消费者手中。若商品在买家购物车中停留超过五天,卖家才有资格使用Send Offer to Buyer功能。此功能通过提供折扣或优惠价格,直接与潜在消费者建立...
I have about 200 marbles on auction with a buy it now option. A buyer wants to make an offer on only 4 of the marbles. Can I do this while the action is still active? Tell them to bid their offer. Message 10 of 15 latest reply 0 Helpful Reply Buyer want to make offer ae...
The popular Internet marketplace, eBay, introduced a Name-Your-Own-Price mechanism based on the Best Offer format in 2005. This study focuses on the buyer's behHuang, Ching-IChen, Jong-RongLee, Chiu-YuSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
2月10日消息,据蓝海易观网报道,新工具“Offer To Buyer”上线不久,但有70%买家因折扣码下单,该工具能帮助卖家提高转化率,快速增加6%的销量。 当卖家使用使用该工具,同时消费者把卖家产品添加至watchlist时,卖家可以在设定商品价格或折扣之后把折扣代码私信给消费者。而根据数据显示,向消费者推送折扣代码或优惠券这一...
How much money do you expect to make with an item listed for $7.88 (or less) with free shipping? Message 4 of 6 latest reply 1 Helpful Reply If a buyer accepts an offer but doesn't pay right away inhawaii Superstar (4093 ) View listings 03-22-2024 01:51 PM ...
Reasons to block an eBay buyer or eBay account When you block a buyer on eBay, the buyer can no longer purchase any of your products. Blocked users will still be able to see your listings, but they will be unable to bid, make an offer or choose to ‘Buy it now’. ...
在全球网络交易平台 eBay 享受买卖乐趣,从电子产品、汽车、时尚服饰、收藏品、体育用品、数码相机、婴儿用品到优惠券,应有尽有
{ "message": "This is an offer!", // The seller's message to the buyer "offeredItems": [ // The details of the offer { "price": { // Specify a new discounted price OR "value": "8.95", // the percent discounted off the listed price "currency": "USD" }, "quantity": "1"...