As a buyer, you can take advantage of Make an offer on Ebay to negotiate prices, and pay less for items you want to purchase.
I have about 200 marbles on auction with a buy it now option. A buyer wants to make an offer on only 4 of the marbles. Can I do this while the action
Solved: I had a buyer make an offer that I accepted. The next day he sent a one word message just saying “cancel”. I responded asking him to verify
eBay在2019年推出了一项新功能,名为“Offer to Buyer”,允许卖家向买家主动发送报价。通过卖家中心的live listing选项卡,卖家可以为产品设置价格或折扣,并发送给将该产品放入观察列表的买家。此功能在近期进行了升级,以包括多次查看商品的买家。“Offer to Buyer”工具旨在通过情感暗示将购买意向转化为销...
eBay近期改进了Send Offer to Buyer功能,新增自动发送报价功能。卖家可以设置报价,并调整自动发送的时间间隔,确保卖家名单保持最新。若不需自动发送功能,卖家也可选择关闭。在卖家中心,卖家可进入报价设置,选择开启或关闭自动报价,调整报价价格,决定是否开启还价功能,以及修改向买家发送的信息。这一功能...
Reasons to block an eBay buyer or eBay account When you block a buyer on eBay, the buyer can no longer purchase any of your products. Blocked users will still be able to see your listings, but they will be unable to bid, make an offer or choose to ‘Buy it now’. ...
拥有一件具有历史意义的运动纪念品,使用支付宝进行支付可享优惠。 代码ALI25CTB1 代码ALI25CTB1 查看条款和条件。 支付宝支付,全新上线 只需轻点几下,就能更轻松地买你所爱 了解更多 了解更多 使用Alipay 购买奢华时尚配饰可享受8.5折优惠 使用支付宝购买奢侈品可享8.5折优惠 ...
Huang C I, Chen J R, Lee C Y. Buyer behavior under the best offer mechanism: A theoretical model and empirical evidence from eBay Motors [J]. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2013, 94(2):11-33....
A buyer makes a purchase within 24 hours after clicking the eBay Partner Network affiliate link for a Buy It Now item. A buyer places a bid on an Auction item within 24 hours after clicking your link and wins that auction within 10 days. The seller accepts a Best Offer placed within 24...
发送报价给买方(Send Offer to Buyer)工具是eBay有史以来推出的最有效的功能。目前,eBay对该功能做出了调整,卖家不需要再手动向消费者发送报价,eBay将会自动将报价发送给消费者。(文末扫码加入eBay运营交流群) 商品在买家购物车存在5天以上,卖方才有资格发送报价 ...