(2)买家可以向卖家提出报价 现在,eBay买家向卖家提出问题,点击列表中的“Contact Seller”(联系卖家)时,在“select at topic”(选择主题)下方会看到一个 “Make an Offer”(提出报价)的选项。买家点击该选项,eBay会跳出如下提醒: “How do I make an offer? The seller hasn't enabled offers for this item....
As a buyer, you can take advantage of Make an offer on Ebay to negotiate prices, and pay less for items you want to purchase.
Make an Offer Men's Takeshy Kurosawa jeans RMB 559.97 +RMB 99.23 shipping Make Offer - Men's Takeshy Kurosawa jeans Takeshy Kurosawa Men jeans, Japanese jeans, Handmade in Italy, Size 48,50 RMB 687.55 +RMB 176.50 shipping Make Offer - Takeshy Kurosawa Men jeans, Japanese jeans, Handmade in...
1,如果价格下面有 make an offer这种表面卖家很乐意接受砍价,不用客气,直接点击,提交你的价格即可。2,看商品介绍,如果卖家说乐意回答各种问题,包括买家可以直接发站内信报价给他,同理,不用客气!3,这种比较特殊,比如商品标价300$,卖家在商品介绍里面写了 250$ by paypal invoince ,关键字 invoice 关键字pp 关键...
这项功能目前只支持在eBay美国站和英国站使用,也只适用于本地买家。前提是您在Selling preferences内选择"Require all buyers to provide a payment method before they make an offer"。 订单提醒邮件内容是英文的,如何设置为中文? eBay发送信息的语言基于卖家注册的站点,如在香港站(ebay.com.hk)注册,则使用中文,...
使用eBay禮品卡、使用競拍軟體出價下單、 “Make an Offer”訂單 、房產交易/慈善專案訂單、eBay限時特惠獎勵活動 、 任何無賣方獎勵的拍賣交易訂單、eBay app訂單將不會獲得獎勵。 *** 郵費/手續費/運費及各種稅項(包括但不限於增值稅和消費稅等)不會獲得獎勵。
eBayBest Offersequential equilibriume- commerceThe popular Internet marketplace, eBay, introduced a Name-Your-Own-Price mechanism based on the Best Offer format in 2005. This study focuses on the buyer's behHuang, Ching-IChen, Jong-Rong
What I was referring too, was "Listings Eligible to send offers", On the Seller side, does the 4 days also apply when a Buyer just finds a "make offer listing" and Makes an Offer? Message 7 of 18 latest reply 0 Helpful Reply Re: Has anyone noticed that "Make ...
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