**Teacher**: Tomadds his experience, saying, “When I eat too much junk food, I feel sluggishand tired. Do you cook a lot at home?” He could also say, “If I eat too muchjunk food, I end up feeling really sluggish and tired. Do you often cook athome?” Or, “Eating too muc...
Supercharged Trail Mix walnuts, almonds, cashews, coconut, cacao nibs, goji berries Benefits vs Limitations of the MIND Diet The benefits of the MIND diet are obvious. It confirms that what you eatdoeshave a positive impact on the health of your brain, and specifically, on your risk of deve...
I’ve had a ton of TPNs at work lately and I realized the other day just how comfortable I feel managing them now – I will never stop being grateful for this job opportunity, I have grown so much as a clinician the past year. I saw, and loved, The Farewell. Such a sweet, funn...
**Alice**: Yes, Irecently started making my own trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.It’s a great snack for when I need something quick and nutritious. **Tom**: That’s agood idea. I might try making some too. It’s so much better than grabbing a bagof chips. ...
and I was grateful that the sausage was chunks, my favorite. I next pulled a slice from the pie to check the underside. There were dots of char intermingled in a nicely tanned bottom. The was just a little flop at the point of the slice, maybe just a tad too much. So far I was...
Byline: ANN J. KELLEYKelley, Ann J
Boris was too afraid to go to the outside world yet, but occupied himself at home all day scavenging for food scraps in unsuspected spots of the kitchen or the pantry if we forgot to lock the door. I feel like I know them so well, yet I will never know the things they see and ...
What's eating filbert Grape? Fruits and nuts aren't meant only for fruitcake and trail mix. To keep critics and fans guessing, bakers and snack producers are raising their products to A-list levels with unconventional fruit and nut inclusions in baked goods and snacks....
making a priority to serve breakfast every morning is essential for long-term weight management in children. The most important tip–breakfast doesn’t have to be elaborate or require much time.Yogurt smoothies, trail mix in a bag, or a hard-boiled egg; all of these are quick options that...
Most parents worry about whether their children are getting enough – or too much – to eat. And for good reason, because who really knows how much their kid should be eating? Just yesterday Lucy threw a 30-minute long tantrum and as I was trying to console her I realized she hadn’t...