再根据第 二段中的"Maya Almaraz... wanted to see how much of this nitrogen en- tered into the US wastewater system because of a protein-heavy diet"可知, Almaraz的研究旨在发现美国污水系 统中有多少氮是由于这种高蛋白饮 食导致的。 由此可知,Almaraz的研 究聚焦于美国人饮食(对美国污水系 统)...
What many don’t realize about protein is that it can also reduce stress. Lack of energy causes agitation, mood swings and can even lead to more serious mental conditions. By eating a balanced diet which consists of lots of protein, you’ll feel more relaxed, thus improving yourmental healt...
In the U. S., people eat more protein than they need to, which might not be bad for human health, but does pose a problem for the country’s waterways. The nation’s wastewater is loaded with the leftovers from protein digestion: nitrogen compounds(氯化合物) that can feed harmful algal...
Weirdbulking diets:Another mistake is to switch to a radical diet, like A Gallon Of Milk A Day (GOMAD). Milk can be a great bulking food if you digest it well, but you should have it in normal serving sizes as part of a balanced diet. A Litre A Day (LOMAD) is much more reason...
16 Foods With More Protein Than An Egg Proffee Is The Best New Way To Start Your Day What Taylor Swift Will Be Eating At The Super Bowl Here's Everything Beyoncé Eats In A Day Walmart's Broccoli Recall Receives Scary Update Is The Diet Coke Ban Real?
根据第二段中的“ Maya Almaraz, a biogeochemist at the University of California, Davis, and her team wanted to see how much of this nitrogen entered the US wastewater system because of a protein-heavy diet."可知,加 州大学戴维斯分校的生物地球化学家Maya Almaraz 和她的团队想知道有多少这样的...
Protein is an important macronutrient for women's overall health, but many aren't eating enough. Get protein recipes, expert tips to increase protein, and more.
, fat:脂肪 Sugar and fat , orotein: 蛋白质 eat less , dairy: 乳制品 , grain:谷物 , Protein Dain, |cannot eat too much , Fruit Vegetables , eat more , Grain , can eat lots of them , To keep_,we should eat food , every day.But how to eat is very impor- , ta nt. Look ...
We asked the experts how much protein is too much to consume in just one meal alone so that you don't end up consuming excess calories.
Diet record 13% 24-hour diet recall interview 28% Doubly-labeled water (DLW) 9% Weight 3% What W made clear is that, if you want to know whether–or to what extent–Americans are indeed eating more and moving less, you can’t measure “energy in” using FFQs, diet records, and inte...