as there are many videos out there which often explain solutions by going through way more details than needed or simply make understanding the problem way more complicated than needed.
#include<iostream>#include<complex>usingnamespacestd;// define x, y as real(), imag()typedefcomplex<double>point;#definex real()#definey imag()// sample programintmain(){point a=2;point b(3,7);cout<<a<<' '<<b<<endl;// (2, 0) (3, 7)cout<<a+b<<endl;// (5, 7)} Oh...
They do not intersect (i.e. they are disjoint). Formally, for each pair of blocks (li,ri)(li,ri) and (lj,rj(lj,rj) where i≠ji≠j either ri<ljri<lj or rj<lirj
You will be given 6 problems to solve in 3 hours. The problem difficulty will be similar to that of a Div. 2 round on Codeforces. Each problem will be worth 100 points, but partial scoring is allowed so you can try to pass as many tests as you can. The contest will be rated and ...