Well, recent codeforces problems do a decently good job of introducing a large variety of concepts, particularly in the 2000+ rating range. Thanks to the large standards of wanting non-standard problems each contests, many small math tricks and greedy techniques are introduced, along with standard...
Many high rated users on codeforces have advised me to solve problems which are higher than my rating.https://clist.by/has a great "luck' parameter. If the luck factor equals 50%, then it means the rating of the problem equals your rating. Which range should I set the luck parameter t...
What Are the Best Places to Practice Competitive Programming? You can train and participate in a few well-known coding contests: Top Coder Hackerrank (personal suggestion for beginners) Codeforces HackerEarth Codechef Leet Code Google Codejam
Academic proofs usually tend to be as rigorous as possible, and are carefully verified by other experts in the field, to be objectively certain of its correctness. Clearly that is not a level of rigor you need while solving a codeforces problem. You only need to prove itto yourself. For th...
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { | } I used to use a snippet that went like f TAB i TAB n TAB SPACE { ENTER where i could be substituted for any letter, but I found that 99% of the time I only needed ijk, so I just created three macros fi, fj, and fk and dropped ...
For example Similarly, if we divide 20 by 5, we get 4. Thus, both 4 and 5 are divisors of 20. Now how can we find it using c++? Step 1: Get a number n Step 2: Run a for loop from 1 to n(Where i=1; i<=n; i++) ...
Most of the beginners jump to Codeforces directly without any implementation stills and can't even solve A. You must know about basic things like time complexity and loops. Again I'm saying it's my opinion, and I mentioned those points because some of you had asked for it, if you have...
A: It is not that important, but you should use one and stick to it. I have used Timus because I’m from Ural region, there are numerous others: UVa, SPOJ, Codeforces archive (has editorials and too many problems, thus a warning) etc. To sum it up: In archives you learn how to...
Hi! Codeforces Community! I want to ask a question , it is not related to Competitive Programming , but to ask how to learn English well. I think most of the members of the community are not native English speakers , but many of them can express their ideas and share their opinions of...
Cease to believe ratings exist: Well, its very weird, but I just tell myself ratings don't exist, and I made a short cut just to the contest page/problemset page so that when I open codeforces, I don't see my rating or any other person's rating — atleast for a couple of weeks...