Misspelled Driver Name:The Error can also be triggered if the name of the EasyAntiCheat driver is misspelled inside the “System 32” folder. Simply, deleting the “EasyAntiCheat.sys” will prompt the game to download it again and solve the Misspelling error. Missing Game Files:In some cases...
In games like Fortnite, Far Cry 5, For Honor, Rust, Scum, and anything else that runs Easy Anti-Cheat, it’s possible to get anError Code 20006 … StartService failed: 1058(or alternatively a1072 error). These errors are extremely annoying and both result in you not being able to pla...
I have an error code of 30005 and it also says CreateService failed with 1072. The reason I think it is Origin's fault is because I was able to run other games that have EasyAnticheat and they work fine. I have Windows 10 and all my NVIDIA drivers are up to date. If you can ...