EasyAntiCheat:This error occurs mostly due to a corrupt EasyAntiCheat installation. The EasyAntiCheat is responsible for launching the game executable and when it does not work properly the error can be triggered. This particular error is known to trigger theapplication error with Fortniteas well...
In games like Fortnite, Far Cry 5, For Honor, Rust, Scum, and anything else that runs Easy Anti-Cheat, it’s possible to get anError Code 20006 … StartService failed: 1058(or alternatively a1072 error). These errors are extremely annoying and both result in you not being able to pla...
The game opens but after a few seconds my pc crashes and the blue screen appears. In the bottom its written "o que falhou: easyanticheat.sys", which means "what have failed: easyanticheat.sys", so I guess its an AC problem, but I have no idea because I have never seem this probl...
Trying to run a steam game in Sandboxie-Plus, but EasyAntiCheat Crashes with error 30001. I looked up that error and it has to deal with Microsoft firewall. Anyone happen to know a solution to this? To stop anti-cheat spying on your system is a good use case for a sandbox. However...
I have an error code of 30005 and it also says CreateService failed with 1072. The reason I think it is Origin's fault is because I was able to run other games that have EasyAnticheat and they work fine. I have Windows 10 and all my NVIDIA drivers are up to date. If you can ...
求助。。apex安..求助 。。apex安装的时候说我没有easyanticheat这个软件 我手动安装又说failed with 1072顶被搞疯了