Easy Anti-Cheat 下文Easy Anti-Cheat统称EAC。 处理方法分别有: 1. 检查杀毒软件是否与EAC冲突(废话,之前能玩当然是没问题) 或 2. 检查网络防火墙是否允许Apex通过(废话,之前能玩当然是通过了) 或 3. 下载的其他游戏的反作弊软件和EAC可能有冲突,可以尝试卸载(不推荐,8成不是那个游戏的原因) 或 其余可以参考...
I planned to finish the story the following night, but I ran into the Easy Anti Cheat launch error 10022 that Thursday night and was not able to launch it. For further hardware context, I changed my motherboard and CPU between launch (Ryzen 2600, msi b450m gaming...
✅ Fix Easy Anti-Cheat Error Code 10022:[IMG]When launching games such as Fortnite, Eden Ring, Apex Legends, or any other title that uses Easy Anti-Cheat, we see Launch Error 10022. Some...
It could be your antivirus or firewall causing the Easy Anti-Cheat Error Code 30005. You can try disabling your security program and see if the error is fixed. If yes,allow Easy Anti-Cheat through your firewalland add theEasyAntiCheat_Setup.exefile to theException list of your antivirus ...
Easy Anti-Cheat 下文Easy Anti-Cheat统称EAC。 处理方法分别有: 1. 检查杀毒软件是否与EAC冲突(废话,之前能玩当然是没问题) 或 2. 检查网络防火墙是否允许Apex通过(废话,之前能玩当然是通过了) 或 3. 下载的其他游戏的反作弊软件和EAC可能有冲突,可以尝试卸载(不推荐,8成不是那个游戏的原因) ...