The Bolivian summer and fall of 2016 (the Northern Hemisphere’s winter and spring) had been warm and rainy, and we were told that the glacier had melted far up the mountain. The moraine—and the wreckage—was more exposed than ever. We planned to spend four days searching the debris fie...
Fig. 2 Geological map (top) and transect (bottom) of the investigated area in the southeastern Kreuzeck Mountains. Important shear zones are labeled. Geochronological data on the map comprise literature data (Brewer 1969; Wo¨lfler et al. 2015a) referred to in the text, together with Rb–...
Until 1997, the only available operational products were the weekly charts from the interactive multisensor snow and ice mapping system (IMS) covering the Northern Hemisphere and produced by the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) [4]. These charts were made ...