North America and South America compose the Western Hemisphere, separated by the Isthmus of Panama. The continents of Europe and Asia may be more correctly seen as the major continent of Eurasia. However, regions like Eastern Europe and Western Asia have historically served to separate Europe and...
theWesternHemisphere.TheensuingdiscoveriesaddedtoEuropesknowledgeof whatwasnownamedAmerica--aftertheItalianAmerigoVespucci,whowrotea widelypopularaccountofhisvoyagestoaNewWorld.By1529reliablemapsof theAtlanticcoastlinefromLabradortoTierradelFuegohadbeendrawnup, althoughitwouldtakemorethananothercenturybeforehopeofdiscoveri...
Most of the territory is located in the Eastern Hemisphere, and only the Chukchi Peninsula (Chukotka) in the north-east end of the region is in the Western Hemisphere. The northern and the eastern borders of North Asia are bounded by seawater (i.e., seas of the Arctic and Pacific oceans...
hemiplegia中的前缀HEMI-源自希腊语,对应的源自拉丁语的前缀为SEMI-,意为half(hemihypertrophy, hemiparesis, hemisphere, semicircle, semiconductor, semitone);后缀-PLEGIA,也作-PLEGY,表示“瘫,麻痹”(paraplegia),hemiplegia意为“半身不遂,偏瘫”。 herbivorous中的HERB,源自拉丁语,意为plant(herb, herbalist, her...