Many Web sites and DVDs are available to teach you how to build your own straw bale house, but it's important to realize what you can do on your own and where you might need a contractor's help. The real cost savings of straw bale building relate to energy efficiency. The straw ...
Many Web sites and DVDs are available to teach you how to build your own straw bale house, but it's important to realize what you can do on your own and where you might need a contractor's help. The real cost savings of straw bale building relate to energy efficiency. The straw ...
Posted inFree shelter designs,Rectangular/Square| Taggedaffordable,disaster resistant,earthbag,earthbag building,earthbag house,earthquake resistant,flood resistant,free plan,green,Haiti,home plan,house plan,hurricane resistant,low cost,sustainable|Leave a Comment » Two Roundhouses with Greenhouse December ...
$300 Earthbag House This isOwen Geiger‘s entry to The $300 House Open Design Challenge. Owen is an earthbag expert and the former Director of Builders Without Borders and Founder and Director of the Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building. The design challenge started out as an idead...
TheNative Spirit house planblends a hexagonal dwelling with a soaring tower, all built of earthbags. If one chooses, the un-bermed portion of the main house can be built with strawbales. The first floor of the tower serves as a cool pantry that keeps food cool without electricity. Other ...
Q: I am planning to build a super adobe dome house, in a place where it rains a lot, using the pp tubing for the walls, Nader Khalili's style. What can I use to water proof the dome? A: This is a good question, and one that should take a lot of consideration. You certainly ...
Mother Earth News:Convert a Used Grain Bin to a New House(best article I’ve found so far on grain bin houses) Posted inBuilding Styles,design,Economics,Introduction| Taggedearthbag,earthbag building,earthbag house,grain bin,grain bin home,grain bin house,green building,low cost,recycle,salvage...
We raised the walls evenly throughout the house. With seven people working 8 hours per day in 15 days we arrived at this point. Everything we do comes from the intuitive, and we are moved by our love of Earth, which feeds every moment of our lives. ...
Simon returned to the UK and started to raise the funds needed for the home. They found some land higher up in the valley surrounded by a national park. They decided it would be a good option, however they would need a new house to be built and the money to do that. It was then ...