Posted inFree shelter designs,Rectangular/Square| Taggedarctic,Canada,cold climate,earthbag,earthbag building,earthbag home,earthbag house,free home plan,free house plan,free plan,home plan,house plan,insulated,insulation,subterranean,superinsulated,underground|37 Comments Earthbag Dome Fort September 11, 2...
Floor Plan For more information aboutthis plan, and many others, visit our sister, where you will find a wide range of plans for sustainable homes, greenhouses, small buildings, garages, and food storage space for sale.Dream Green Homesis a consortium of outstanding...
A simple homemade compass or tripod guide can aid in positioning the bags of the dome. One such compass could consist of a pole placed in the center of the floor. At the top of the pole, an L-shaped piece of material can be attached with an adjustable clamp. Rotating the pole and ...
–wing wall to direct cool breezes into the home –building on stilts –stack effect: multi-story designs can be very effective at encouraging natural convection –open plan living areas that encourage air circulation –narrow floorplans –orientation to catch breezes more effectively ...
Q: I am interested in building an earthbag home down here in Louisiana. I am curious to know if you have any tips on how to gutter around the dome in order to harvest rainwater. I am considering building a pole frame and using rice hulls (which are abundant here) to fill the bags....
A couple of years ago, Shane and I fell in love with an acreage in the "middle of nowhere"- a small parcel of land on the Alberta prairies. We decided, pretty much on the spot, to trade our high-powered, fast paced careers and home in the city for a new way of life. It took...
A simple homemade compass or tripod guide can aid in positioning the bags of the dome. One such compass could consist of a pole placed in the center of the floor. At the top of the pole, an L-shaped piece of material can be attached with an adjustable clamp. Rotating the pole and ...