The brightness temperature at the Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) is measured in Kelvin. These bands support the characterization of the surface, clouds, water vapor, ozone, volcanic ash, and dust based on emissive properties. README GOES卫星是由NOAA管理的地球静止气象卫星。 云层和水分图像产品的分辨率都...
This structure is formed through an extremely slow cooling rate of about one Kelvin per million years in the universe1. The Widmannstaetten structure observed in Octahedrite-type meteorites is peculiar, and results from the apparent phase separation of the α -phase (bcc-FeNi with a mineral...
Kelvin 0.07874016 10.9 temp_12_0um Top of atmosphere brightness temperature 12.0μm (CDR variable) -32767 32767 Kelvin 12.0μm 0.002441481 260 temp_3_75um Top of atmosphere brightness temperature 3.75μm (CDR variable) -32767 32767 Kelvin 3.75μm 0.002441481 260 acha_info ACHA processing informat...
Coherent properties of the coupled electron and nuclear spins of rare-earth dopants in a crystal (Nd-143(3+):Y2SiO5) are investigated from 100 mK to 6 K. At the lowest working temperatures, two-pulse-echo coherence times exceeding 2 and 40 ms are achieved for the electron and nuclear ...
temp_11_0um_stddev_3x3 Standard deviation of the 11.0μm brightness temperature computed over a 3x3 pixel array -127 127 Kelvin 0.07874016 10.9 temp_12_0um Top of atmosphere brightness temperature 12.0μm (CDR variable) -32767 32767 Kelvin 12.0μm 0.002441481 260 temp_3_75um Top of atmospher...
Freezing temperature is also 0 degrees Celsius and 273.15 Kelvin. You most likely hear people say “It’s freezing outside!” when the temperature is above the actually freezing temp, but it all depends on what part of the world you live in and what your perception of cold is. Below ...
Surprisingly, when you go up in the air high enough, you can find regions of the atmosphere where the temperatureincreaseswith altitude! Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the changes in temperature with increasing altitude. Temperatures are given indegrees Kelvin(100K = -175°C or -280°F, ...
Map.addLayer('mrt_mean').selfMask().subtract(273.15), {min: -10, max: 50, palette: temp_palette}, 'Mean Radiant Temperature, Daily Mean') Map.addLayer('utci_mean').selfMask().subtract(273.15), {min: -10, max: 50, palette: temp_palette}...
5.0 版宝瓶座 2 级产品是 AQUARIUS/SAC-D 任务轨道/扫描数据的第三次正式发布。宝瓶座 2 级数据集包含由 3 个不同辐射计和星载散射计得出的海面盐度(SSS)和风速数据。二级数据还包括每个辐射计的水平和垂直亮度温度(TH 和 TV)、辅助数据、标志、转换后的遥测和导航数据。每个数据文件涵盖一个 98 分钟的轨道。