4 and 5 depict potential rainfall and temperature impacts from El Niño while figures 6 and 7 show potential rainfall and temperature impacts from La Niña. Most climate anomalies associated with El Niño are reversed during La Niña. In general, a majority of the impacts occur in climates...
000 days, then stays off for 10,000 days (a 20,000 day diurnal cycle…the Moon has a 29.5 day diurnal cycle). From Fig. 1 we see that during the daytime the temperature would approach 365 Kelvin, and at night it would approach 0 Kelvin. In this case the average temperature would be...
it in a hot fire, an incandescent light bulb produces light by heating a tiny metal element at its core to a specified temperature. The temperature of the metal filament, when measured in Kelv...
patterns. The quality of the predictions obtained for the surface temperature fields is rather good, while in the case of precipitation a good skill is observed only for the global average. We also show how it is possible to define accurately concepts like the inertia of the climate system or...