GIANTS AND MEGALITHIC SITES: HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD!! Beautiful Elon Addresses the World Economic Forum President Trump and Elon Discuss their Bromance and Divorce. #musk #trump Real or Fake REVEAL DSCOVR EPIC *&% In The Clouds FE It Just Got Worse-More Toxic Stuff 10 Scriptures, You Wish ...
In the Bible, "heaven" is a term that encompasses various meanings, often referring to the dwelling place of God, the abode of angels, and the ultimate destination for believers. It is depicted as a place of divine glory, eternal peace, and unending worship. The concept of heaven is ...
The concept of the "inheritance of the earth" is a significant theme in the Bible, reflecting God's promises to His people and the ultimate fulfillment of His kingdom. This theme is woven throughout both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting the blessings and responsibilities associated with...
John Gill's Exposition of the BibleonMatthew 5:13:“You are the salt of the earth” This is to be understood of the disciples and apostles of Christ, who might be compared to "salt" because of the savory doctrines they preached, as all such are, which are agreeable to the Scriptures,...
If you know someone who believes that the Scriptures describes a domed, flat earth; it will help you understand their rationale in citing these verses. If you’re a believer who’s researching the flat earth, this book is critical for you. ...
Lucaris answers: “We are taught by the Divine and Sacred Scriptures, which say plainly, ‘Thou shalt not make to thyself an idol, or a likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath; thou shalt not adore them, nor shalt thou worship them; [Exodus...
lead us to Jesus. Just as the Bereans were called honorable for “searching the scriptures to see if what Paul said was true”, we too should test ideas by what is demonstrably true in God’s word. The Bible tells us that God created the universe very good (completely absent of evil/...
Preservation of The Scriptures 42:46 Mac Williams • 8/4/24 Perseverance And The Scriptures 42:13 Mac Williams • 7/28/24 The Provision Of Our Great Shepherd 38:41 Jeff Thomas • 7/21/24 Add a Comment Only Users can leave comments. Sign In | Create Account | Learn MoreSA...
Bible is Reliable Scripture Database Scriptures that show Mormons can fully trust God's word! Blood Atonement 600 BC Jerusalem & America Historical evidence proves Lehi & Nephi didn't exist! And It Came to Pass 20% of verses in the Book of Mormon contain the phrase "and it came to pass...
This “lake of fire” is also called “hell fire” in other places in Scripture. The Greek word translated hell in many of these scriptures is “Gehenna,” which is another name for the valley of Hinnom (located in the southern part of Jerusalem). It appears the “lake of fire” will...