Judges 5:4 - “Lord, when You went out from Seir,When You marched from the field of Edom,The earth quaked, the heavens also dripped,Even the clouds dripped water.
And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. Zechariah 14:4 Verse Concepts In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be...
In Matthew 5:13, Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth." Learn more about the meaning of this Bible verse and why it's important today for Christians.
There are Bible verses about Heaven in fifty-four of the sixty-six books in the Bible. Jesus talks about Heaven about seventy times in the book of Matthew alone. Scriptures about Heaven appears from the very first verse in Genesis (Genesis 1:1)—“In the beginning God created the heavens ...
Bible verses for any topic! Christian questions answered! Bible verse of the day! Help with God, Christianity, Jesus, faith, and Biblical quotes!
Through nature God is able to teach us, speak to us, and provide for us. For this reason, we can find in scripture that we humans are called to protect all which is of He has created. Use these Bible verses for a better understanding.
a)You first have to look at these verses in the above chronological order as they are being presented. The very first verse sets the entire stage on what faith is all about with the Lord. This very first verse will tell you that God Himself will give each person a certain“measure of ...
READ ALSO:8 BIBLE VERSES ABOUT HEAVEN AND ETERNITY Is Heaven A Real Place? “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”– Psalm 19:1 (NIV) Lift your eyes to the glorious expanse of the sky – the billowing clouds, the sun, the moon, the star...
Bible Verses Images About Faith. Bible verse images, pictures, quote and verses of the day! http://www.bible-sms.com - Bible SMS
Bible Verses About Love In the immortal words of the clergyman from "The Princess Bride" in his speech about marriage, "love, true love, will follow you forever." The power of love is at the center of relationships and marriage, so it's no surprise that scripture has a lot to say ab...