In the video, Todd Parr reads his book,The Earth Book. This short book does a great job of showing practical ways kids can help take care of the Earth. Suggestions include using both sides of the paper, bringing your own bags to the store, recycling, and more. Kids will love the colo...
Earth Day is a time to celebrate nature and the environment. Everyone—babies and toddlers included—can learn about taking care of the earth and its resources, and appreciate the beauty of nature. Here’s how to getbabies,toddlers,2-year-olds, andpre-schoolersinvolved in celebrating Earth Da...
This week, Education World highlights four new kids' books that celebrate Earth. Grow a great garden, ride through the rain forest, track down tree names, or meander mountain habitats -- in these four new books that every school library should have! Want to have some classroom fun? Why not...
Our Recommendations for Healthy Kids Healthy Earth Themes Home Earth Zine Magazine Earthday Teachers/Parents Complete Site Navigation Contact Us Advertise Privacy Policy Earth Related Pages: About Planet Earth Earth Fast facts Wonders of the World ...
Earth Day Books for Kids About Animals 1. This Is the Nest That Robin Built by Denise Fleming This text by a classic early childhood book author shows how a robin prepares its nest for its offspring’s arrival. This is a perfect addition to a study of birds or as a stand-alone read-...
The EARTH Book 《地球之书》 作者:Todd Parr 番薯等级:L3 蓝思等级:AD390L AR等级:N/A 这本用再生纸印刷的图画书探讨了环保的主题,帮助孩子们学习如何在自己的生活中“走向绿色”。书中包含了许多简单、聪明的想法,告诉我们如何共同努力让地球更好——从植树和使用纸的两面,到节约能源和旧物利用。
Harold and the PURPLE CRAYON - read aloud book 10:04 So Much SLIME ~ FUNNY read aloud ~ STEM books for kids 13:27 This Book is NOT for YOU! FUNNY read aloud 08:09 What if EVERYBODY Said THAT_ _ Bullying for kids _ SEL read aloud 09:54 Amelia Bedelia's FIRST Day of Schoo...
day, when driving near the place where the city brings our garbage, my husband said, “There’s the dump!” But my kids corrected him. “Actually, Daddy, that’s alandfill.” A favorite part of this book are the pages that illustrate the process by which paper and aluminum are ...
Books I reviewed previously but perfect to use for Earth Day, includeA Tree is a Homeby Pamela Hickman and Zafouko Yamamoto is a beautiful picturebook to share with young readers when looking at the importance of all things tree-related (Kids Can Press).One Well, the Story of Water on ...
I Can Help Our Earth Earth Day Craft(Step-by-step instructions available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library) Keep the Earth Clean: Explain to children that they can help keep their world looking clean by making sure that trash goes in the wastebasket and not on the ground. Have children ...