This is a magical story that my kids couldn’t put down. Liam is a curious boy living in a drab, gray city. One day, he finds a few dying plants growing through an old railroad track. Liam waters and prunes the plants until they grow into a lush garden that overtakes the entire cit...
Earth Day Books for Kids: Virtual Read Alouds I love checking out books from the library. This past year we’ve been checking a lot more out digitally. Some books are hard to find or the wait is really long. That’s why I compiled this list of books for Earth Day so everyone could ...
Earth Day is a great time to talk to kids about climate change and the impact their own actions can have, for better or worse. I did a round up for Earth Day books for kids a few years back, but there are so many more great children’s books for Earth Day that have come... ...
Earth Day is a time to celebrate nature and the environment. Everyone—babies and toddlers included—can learn about taking care of the earth and its resources, and appreciate the beauty of nature. Here’s how to getbabies,toddlers,2-year-olds, andpre-schoolersinvolved in celebrating Earth Da...
Our Recommendations for Healthy Kids Healthy Earth Themes Home Earth Zine Magazine Earthday Teachers/Parents Complete Site Navigation Contact Us Advertise Privacy Policy Earth Related Pages: About Planet Earth Earth Fast facts Wonders of the World ...
This week, Education World highlights four new kids' books that celebrate Earth. Grow a great garden, ride through the rain forest, track down tree names, or meander mountain habitats -- in these four new books that every school library should have!
Earth Day Books for Kids About Caring for the Environment 23. Berry Song by Michaela Goade This Caldecott Honor title belongs in every classroom. A child and her grandmother celebrate the delicious wonders of each season and share Tlingit traditions of respecting nature in the Pacific Northwest....
Looking for something green to do with the kids on April 22? We've got your back with these best Earth Day activities for kids and adults.
Books I reviewed previously but perfect to use for Earth Day, includeA Tree is a Homeby Pamela Hickman and Zafouko Yamamoto is a beautiful picturebook to share with young readers when looking at the importance of all things tree-related (Kids Can Press).One Well, the Story of Water on ...
Earth Day Books 20 Best Earth Day Books for Kids Earth Day Theme Learning – Earth Day Unit Studies Earth Day Activities: Books, Planting, Printables and so much more (Natural Beach Living) The Earth: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Lessons (Every Star is Different) The Ultimate Earth Day Theme Pres...