“Earnings per share of common stock (EPS)”应译为“普通股每股收益”。()搜索 题目 “Earnings per share of common stock (EPS)”应译为“普通股每股收益”。() 答案 B 解析 null 本题来源 题目:“Earnings per share of common stock (EPS)”应译为“普通股每股收益”。() 来源: 中国地质大学...
作者: 在计算每股利润(EPS,Earnings Per Share)时,我们需要明确的是,该指标反映的是每一股普通股所能享有的企业净利润。因此,计算过程中涉及的是普通股股份数,而不是普通股股份加优先股。 以下是每股利润的计算公式和详细解释: 每股利润 = (净利润 - 优先股股利)/ 流通在外的普通股股数 净利润:指公司在一定...
Earnings Per Share (EPS)是指每股收益即每股盈利,又称每股税后利润、每股盈余,指税后利润与股本总数的比率。是普通股股东每持有一股所能享有的企业净利润或需承担的企业净亏损。每股收益通常被用来反映企业的经营成果,衡量普通股的获利水平及投资风险,是投资者等信息使用者据以评价企业盈利能力、预测企...
指标定义–每股收益 每股收益(Earnings Per Share, EPS) 是公司在一定时期内实现的净利润中,每一股普通股能够分配的收益。 每股收益=(税后利润–当年优先股股息)/加权平均流通在外的普通股股数 税后利润:公司的税后总利润。 优先股股息:支付给优先股股东的固定股息。 普通股:在报告期内发行在外的普通股的平均数...
eps 【缩写】 1.=earnings per share 【商】每股红利 2.=emergency power supply 备用电源;应急电源 3.=electron pro EPS 电子出版系统 earnings n. 1. 薪水;工资;收入 2. 利润;收益;盈利 share n. 1.一份,份儿;(分担的)一部分(+in/of) 2.[C]股份;股票(+in) 3.[U]市场占有率 4.(工作、...
Earnings per share (EPS) is a commonly used measure of a company's profitability. It indicates how much profit each outstanding share of common stock has earned. Generally speaking, the higher a company's EPS, the more profitable it is considered to be. ...
Earnings per share (EPS) is a key metric used to determine thecommon shareholder’sportion of the company’s profit. EPS measures each common share’s profit allocation in relation to the company’s total profit.IFRSuses the term “ordinary shares” to refer to common shares. ...
Earnings Per Share (EPS) vs. Diluted EPS: An Overview Earnings per share (EPS) anddiluted EPSare profitability measures used in the fundamental analysis of companies. EPS takes a company’s common shares into account. Diluted EPS takes all convertible securities into account, such asconverti...
Earnings per share (EPS) is the portion of the company’s distributable profit which is allocated to each outstanding equity share (common share). Earnings per share is a very good indicator of the profitability of any organization, and it is one of the most widely used measures of profitabil...
同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Earnings Per Share (EPS)的翻译是每股盈利,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:分配给已发行普通股的公司盈利部分。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!