题目 “Earnings per share of common stock (EPS)”应译为“普通股每股收益”。() 答案 B 解析 null 本题来源 题目:“Earnings per share of common stock (EPS)”应译为“普通股每股收益”。() 来源: 中国地质大学智慧树知到“会计学”《会计专业英语》网课测试题答案卷3 收藏...
What Is Earnings Per Share (EPS)? Earnings per share (EPS) is a commonly used measure of a company's profitability. It indicates how much profit each outstanding share of common stock has earned. Generally speaking, the higher a company's EPS, the more profitable it is considered to be....
Basic earnings per share ("EPS") is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of common stock plus the effect of dilutive potential common shares outstanding during...
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is the amount of money that a company allocates to each outstanding share of a common stock. In other words, how much the company pays its common stockholders. Put simply; a company’s EPS is its profit, minus dividends, divided by the total number of ...
Answer to: Earnings per share of common stock (EPS) is a measure of profits per share distributed to common stockholders. a. True b. False By...
Earnings per share (EPS) is a common way of measuring the share of a company's profits for each individual shareholder. It is calculated by dividing the company's net income by the number of outstanding shares of common stock. Net income is the income available to all shareholders after ...
Earnings-per-share-每股收益Earnings per share Earnings per share (EPS) is the monetary value of earnings per each outstanding share of a company's common stock. In the United States, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires companies' income statements to report EPS for each ...
1) Earnings per share of common stock 普通股每股收益 例句>> 2) earned for ordinary 普通股收益 3) EPS 每股收益 1. Research on the calculation and exposure of the earnings per share(EPS); 每股收益会计信息的计量和披露问题探讨 2. The paper investigates 16 listed companies which were developed...
Basic net earnings per common share $ 0.31 $ 0.03 Diluted net earnings per common share $ 0.30 $ 0.03 Weighted average shares of common stock - Basic 72.0 71.7 Weighted average shares of common stock - Diluted 73.2 72.6 (1) See the attached Supplemental Schedules - Non-GAAP Reconciliations, ...
Earningspershare(EPS)isthemonetaryvalueofearningspereachoutstandingshareofa company'scommonstock. IntheUnitedStates,theFinancialAccountingStandardsBoard(FASB)requirescompanies' incomestatementstoreportEPSforeachmajorcategoryoftheincomestatement:continuing operations,discontinuedoperations,extraordinaryitems,andnetincome. ...