It was a drumbeat of wins for Trump, who saw the dismissal of his classified documents case, announced his long-awaited vice presidential pick and was formally announced as his party’s presidential nominee all before the evening programming. But a surprise appearance from the former ...
Yet there are two mistakes only a non-player would make. The pipes have the typical beak shape for the player’s mouth, but the window or sound hole near the mouthpiece is missing. Since the pipe cannot function without it, this suggests Martini was not a wind player and did not have ...
Straps were not a necessity for smaller medieval instruments. While today, musicians playing small plucked fingerboard instruments such as a mandolin or ukulele are used to a stabilising strap, medieval players of citole, gittern and lute were used to playing without. Some medieval and renaissance ...
If I said something about poetry half-baked or unrigorous, Bob would call me on it, saying “Is that really the case?”— a more prodding question than a haughty dismissal. Bob did not affect the “busy” professor — as if busyness was ever an indication of truth or insight. I do...
The killing or the dismissal of the dragon achieves the conversion of the com-LucianPhilopseudes11–13.For discussion of this episode see Radermacher (1905), Müller (1932)38–47,Schwartz (1951)41–43,Ebneret al.(2001) 50–52, 118–120, Ogden (2007)65–104,(2013a)411–415, ...