SchoolPass is a modern platform for schools to simplify & secure dismissal, attendance, visitor management, after-school programs & more.
Excuse notes must besignedby a parent/guardianand submitted to the school office withinwithin 3 daysfollowing the absence, tardy or early dismissal. If your child sees a medical provider, please be sure to submit a note from the provider. ...
With several area schools already closed for the day due to a winter storm, those that did have class are now dismissing early. See the list below: Brandon Valley School District - Early Dismissal 2 hours Chester Area School District - Closing Early at 12:30 PM Today DeSmet School District ...
Parent Teacher Conferences / Early Dismissal all day Read Moreabout Parent Teacher Conferences / Early Dismissal MonFeb17 President's Day - NO SCHOOL all day Read Moreabout President's Day - NO SCHOOL SatFeb22 Family Service Event 10:00AM-2:00PM ...
Semester tests for students in grades 9-11 will be held today and tomorrow. Students may leave after testing on these days if their permission slip is in the office signed by a parent. Early dismissal Wednesday at 1:05 pm. Everyone needs to bring in their Ipads AND chargers during your...
Dismissal at 1:49pm Kairos Retreat Scheduling for 2025-26 Grade 10 7:00a Strengthening Our Relationship with God 2:30p Parent and Teacher Conferences/Virtual 3:00p Driver Education - Segment 1 5:00p Driver Education - Segment 2 6
Early Dismissal - 1:00 PM Lunch: Taco-in-a-Bag, Veggies, & Fruit TBD HSGB @ District Tournament 7:30a Donuts with Dad - RESCHEDULED! 8:30a MSU Screenings (K,1,3,5) 1:00p Parent Teacher Conferences 3:15p JHBB Practice 3:30p ...
Officials decided to have an early dismissal at 1:45 p.m. after administrators and Novi police checked students' backpacks and everyone was cleared. "Our teachers, support staff, administrators, students, and everyone involved today did a fantastic job acting quickly and jumping into a...
Class Photos 3:30pGolf Tryouts 26 3:30pGolf Tryouts 27 2:30pPep Rally honoring PSIA 4:30pLady Cats Softball vs Beaumont Bellas 5:00pFundraiser Night at Chick Fil A on Dowlen 28 Go Texan Day Early Dismissal @ 11:45AM 1 PSIA District Meet...
The information provided in the form will help Moser staff plan accordingly to ensure that all students are transported home in the correct manner during regular and early dismissal school days.Please complete the form ONLY if your student will be a walker, parent pick-up, attends daycare, or ...