Lessening of severity:When an infection occurs, the child most often has ear drainage without pain orfeverassociated with the ear itself. Pain may occur if the skin of the ear canal becomes infected. Ease of treatment:If ear drainage develops, the caregiver can treat the infection with ear d...
It may respond to antibiotics, although on occasion a drainage procedure may be necessary. A sebaceous cyst is when epithelial components that produce keratin are trapped under the skin, forming a cyst that is filled with white, cheese-like material. Frequently, infections involving the ear or ...
Swim lessons with an ear infection may not be very enjoyable, but that’s okay. At Big Blue, we prioritize fun and safety, so we make it super easy to let us know andreschedule a missed lessonwhen your child feels a bit under the weather.The Big Blue appis designed for real life an...
Watch for severe pain, swelling, or fluid drainage. Earaches are usually not caused by anything serious, but they can sometimes be a symptom of a more severe infection or injury to the ear. Call your doctor right away if you or your child have any worrisome or severe symptoms along with...