product=the-sims-3&topic=missing-game&category=manage-my-account&subcategory=find-missing-game Make sure you're signed into an EA site (this one is fine) before clicking the link and that the location in the lower-right corner of the browser window is set to U.S. or U.K. Your packs...
I do not know how to fix this. Anyone got some advice? Is the graphic card? CC? Sims? Should I take the laptop back and get my money back? @serechan11Most of the Sims 4 crashes are due to the Intel graphics driver. But the game should be running on the Nvidia graphics card inst...
Win10下出现无法启动 Sims4已执行 ed35e0ea:29f00e76错误,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|
贴吧用户_aA3V9DV 邪恶巫师 6 用sims4-updater安装个dlc破解文件,他会生成一个新的游戏本体exe启动程序,不用联网直接可以打开 来自Android客户端5楼2024-01-31 14:47 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频!贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
然后进入steam后在商店的搜索栏上搜索模拟人生4或者SIMS,第一个点开找到开始游戏的选项,然后下载,安装位置最好不要有中文,建议不要装C盘。 可以在库——下载中查看下载进度,或者点界面最下方中间的文字查看。 游戏下载好之后,点击库,找到并选择THE Sims,开始游戏,之后会弹EA的安装,如果没有弹或者安装失败了(⭕...
ea steam和epic的dlc都是可以一起玩的用steam登陆一次sims4,提示登陆ea账号,登录一下就绑定了。epic同理。之后能在ea里能看到并下载所有平台购买的dlc 来自Android客户端4楼2024-04-23 13:24 收起回复 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈...
😭这6款mod让你的NPC成为正常人! 随机模拟市民基因不丑,搭配不丑,不再乱穿衣服和配饰!| 模拟人生4mod推荐分享 #模拟人生4 #模拟市民4 #sims4 #ts4 时间戳00:00 幼态伯爵00:42 禁用丑基因01:31 禁用丑配件02:06 禁用丑头发02:29 NPC时装04:49 自订搭配06:47 让EA搭配消失07:06 你是完播侠!
2、第二步,去到链接:一定要复制全),下载下图所示“EA DLC Unlocker v2” 点击后会跳转至一个新的页面,直接点击右下的“Download now”即可下载。
【M4分享】 EA ..[Foursims]SHEER AND DRESS RECOLOR[KISMETSIMS]BREEZEBLOCKSAMBOTTOM[crazycupcake]5000followerskathair[KISMETSIMS]MOTHERLOVEBONEAFHAIR[Lemon] male 3 button overalls[ilkup]PicnicDate[Joliebean]ForeverYours_Overalls
Re: Sims 4 DLC key not working Hi@c4spp3rr_ Which pack specifically are you having issues with, and where was this pack purchased from? Hello I talked with support but that site is bad and i did everything they told me to and still nothing . I cant even answer to them as those ...