模拟人生4教程大全UP主 · 还教英语 · 坐标荷兰 · 商务temmyisnotcool 充电 关注18.0万 Sims Mods 1/20 创建者:下雪天不走独木桥 收藏 ?模拟人生4强制更新??EA App不能做别做了吧 | 模拟人生游戏资讯 7.9万播放 模拟人生4mod分享|搬运NOCC房屋80套|欢迎来到童话世界 11.2万播放 【搬运】模拟人生4速...
I do not know how to fix this. Anyone got some advice? Is the graphic card? CC? Sims? Should I take the laptop back and get my money back? @serechan11Most of the Sims 4 crashes are due to the Intel graphics driver. But the game should be running on the Nvidia graphics card inst...
"id":"message:11815757","revisionNum":1,"uid":11815757,"depth":3,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11815752"},"subject":"Re: Sims 4 not working after update?
解决方法二:重启电脑 重启电脑是解决ea app安装程序未响应/安装一直正在下载中等问题的简单有效方法。有时电脑运行时间过长或者出现其他问题会导致ea app运行异常,通过重启电脑可以清除系统缓存、恢复系统正常运行。 解决方法三:关闭实时保护 关闭一些实时保护功能可能会帮助解决ea app安装程序未响应/安装一直正在下载中问题。
It is working 10 times better compared to lutris. Thanks! Reply Tjark on September 11, 2024 at 5:05 pm Great, thank you! This step-by-step helps to avoid errors. btw: If you previously had already downloaded and installed a game in the EA App (Sims 4 in my case), you don’t ...
Восновнуюигру The Sims 4 можносыгратьбесплатнонавсехплатформах. Выможетезагрузитьеев EA app, Steam и Epic Games. Преждечемначатьустановкуигры, убедитесь,...
然后进入steam后在商店的搜索栏上搜索模拟人生4或者SIMS,第一个点开找到开始游戏的选项,然后下载,安装位置最好不要有中文,建议不要装C盘。 可以在库——下载中查看下载进度,或者点界面最下方中间的文字查看。 游戏下载好之后,点击库,找到并选择THE Sims,开始游戏,之后会弹EA的安装,如果没有弹或者安装失败了(⭕...
things, during a single session the app will often freeze up. For example, if you poke around in squad building challenges or look at your active squad and then go to another section of the app, the pages will often stop loading and the buttons stop working forcing you to kill the app...
I'm just trying to play Sims 4 and of course I need to launch the EA app first. Why do you have launchers for games that you don't need to have launchers? It doesn't make sense. WE KNOW THAT YOU MADE THE GAME. I open EA, and it's not even working. It says I have to ...