Hello! I've been a Sims Player since i can talk and walk and i own The Sims 2 UC since around 2014. I love this game and I've always been able to
1.如果下载的是.sims2pack文件,这是已经打包好的,直接双击安装,游戏会在: 我的文档\EA Games\模拟人生2(或the sims2)下自动新建一个Downloads的文件,并在下面添加相应的.package文件。如果你下载的是.package文件,可以直接放在:我的文档\EA Games\模拟人生2(或the sims2)\Downloads下,如果...
对啊!你先要开一次游戏,然后退出。再看ea games会出现模拟人生2或者The sims2或者模拟市民2,然后在里面新建一个名为Downloads的文件夹
Downloads是在C:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2,你是不是移动了整个“我的文档”到D盘上?否则你所建的这些路径都是无效的,放到D盘不起作用。
2.脸绘junipero; a sky blush作者:sunlitcrysdownload/1665720/ 7楼2020-04-27 11:28 收起回复 要早点睡噢 超级明星 11 4.男性上衣合集Male Top Collection作者:liliili-sims可以直接下第一个,包含全部folder/97472/ 9楼2020-04-27 11:35 收起回复 坐等 吸血鬼 9 感谢大佬~ 来自Android客户端10楼20...
这是因为非正版是无法进入游戏的。建议先看看资源,如果属于正版游戏,windward10无法运行这个情况建议用兼容性运行...更多关于模拟人生link2ea是什么的问题 如果你下载的是.package文件,可以直接放在:我的文档\EA Games\模拟人生2(或the sims2)\Downloads下,如果没有可以自已建立。如果解压后是OX开头...
Is there a possibility to geht the sims 2 Ultimate Collection in the EA app? On my new system the game won’t work. At first I can’t install it and then the game is crashing when I launch it. I know that the servers of sims 2 are closed but is there a possibility to reactiva...
https://www.th💜esimsresou💜rce.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-fema💜le-teenadultelder-everyday/title/dress-dr352/id/1508840/ 来自iPhone客户端8楼2020-10-15 00:49 收起回复 azzazure 吸血鬼 9 https://www.t💛hesimsres💛ource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothin...
I could even restore my already downloaded game (Sims 4) in the EA App by setting the install-folder as in this instruction, then copy my previously downloaded game into the direction and finally “download” the game again in the EA client. It will recognize that it is already there, so...
Madden NFL:对于美式足球爱好者而言,这是一款非常流行的游戏,它模拟了真实的NFL比赛,提供了很多令人兴奋和有趣的功能。Apex Legends:这是一款类似于《堡垒之夜》的大型多人在线战斗游戏,EA完全出资并发行。游戏在发布后迅速赢得了大量玩家的喜爱和支持。The Sims:这个模拟游戏系列已经推出了多个版本,并受到了...