I then tried to install the EA app, and managed to install the base Sims 3 game, but when I try to download any expansion, it processes for a while, then crashes without even giving any information, details or error code. I've already tried to repair my game and reboot the ap...
Nur jetzt kann ich meine Inhalte nicht downloaden. Es steht immer nur dran "wird vorbereitet" und nach ein paar Minuten kommt dann die Meldung "Download-Fehler". Ich habe alles probiert was in den Foren steht. Gefühlt meine App 10x neu installiert, Sims 4 auch komplett gelöscht, ...
注册/登录后,在软件搜索栏搜索“The Sims 4”,搜索结果第一个就是,点击后有个“下载”按钮,即可获得正版本体授权。 这里要注意的是,如果你电脑里有整合版,它可能会自动识别出来,这时候千万别用EA app更新或者修复游戏,那样DLC会失效,你可以选择退出EA app不再动它,以前该怎么玩就怎么玩。如果电脑里没有游戏,...
1.浏览器搜索EA app 2.进入官网后点击Download the EA app 3.安装即可(注:由于EAapp IP属于外网,这种方法很可能会无法进入官网)三、通过海~豚一键下载 1.用海~豚填入haitun888获取72h超会加速后搜索EA app,点击加速。2.点击EA app下载 3、按照提示安装即可。以上就是EA app下载教程,希望对您有所帮助...
作者:sunlitcrysdownload/1665720/ 7楼2020-04-27 11:28 收起回复 要早点睡噢 超级明星 11 4.男性上衣合集Male Top Collection作者:liliili-sims可以直接下第一个,包含全部folder/97472/ 9楼2020-04-27 11:35 收起回复 坐等 吸血鬼 9 感谢大佬~ 来自Android客户端10楼2020-04-27 11:40 回复 ...
https://www.t💛hesimsres💛ource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teena💛dultelder-everyday/title/sweater-tp351/id/1508841/ 来自iPhone客户端9楼2020-10-15 00:51 收起回复 azzazure 吸血鬼 9 https://s🧡imfileshar🧡e.net/download/1489174/ 来自iPhone客户端10楼2020-10...
The Sims™ 4 Get To WorkYou rule the workplace with The Sims 4 Get to Work. Actively control your Sims while they’re on the job, and determine whether they're headed toward a big promotion or are becoming the workplace menace. If you’d rather be your own boss, you can even ...
I've been trying all night long to download/install The Sims 3 + Add-ons, but once the Sims 3 is installed, the add-ons won't installed; it keeps giving me this message '' something went wrong ''. So I am not sure what to do and what's going on. I even tried to ope...
Hello everyone! This post will help you to solve a problem Download button missing for The Sims 3 Supernatural. 1. Launch EA app. 2. Switch to My
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