Reading web articlesUsing web forumsSending an email to customer serviceI prefer to chat to customer service onlineI prefer to talk on the phone with customer serviceNo preference Do you have ideas for how to make the EA Forums site better?
Can't find what you are looking for? Here is some content on the top issues to help resolve your problem.
When purchasing EA Games please ensure that you are purchasing from an Authorized retailer or recognized Digital Distribution Service such as Origin.Once you have repurchased the game, should you have any problems please contact account disputes at with proof of purchase and ...
If you still need assistance, contact Customer Service/Game Advisors, here's how: 1 Click on the following link: Make sure you are logged in (top right corner)3 Click on the blue button "Contact a Game Advisor"4 Enter the name of your game or product...
Dreadful customer service. We bought fifa points via PlayStation store. They never appeared on the ea sports account. I followed the guidance to retrieve them, but nothing, so I wrote via email, in the end writing 3 separate emails and eventually had email back saying the case was closed…...
how do I contact ea's customer support?","kudosSumWeight":101,"postTime":"2012-10-22T14:56:38.842+01:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPage":...
I failed to change my email address and can't change it or log in without the stupid code they supposedly email to you. I tried to stop it in my paypal account and am told I need to contact customer support - well that's a joke - those emails are never delivered - EA's server ...
If no active Enterprise Administrator is available, contact your partner to change the contact information on the Volume License agreement. Your partner can make changes to the customer contact information by using the Contact Information Change Request (CICR) process available in the eAgreements (VLC...
I'm having the same problem, I need to speak to someone in customer service! Pogo has never had a phone number for those looking for one, but they use to have Live Chat with a Customer Service Rep. Now all there is, is this link but you do ...
My Package from EA Never arrived it's been confused at staying at the same post office for 5 days now for some reason. How would I contact EA about not... - 8167068