i want number for customer service","kudosSumWeight":1,"postTime":"2022-05-26T21:39:23.926+01:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPage":false,"startCu...
If your question isn't answered, click the "I Still Need Help" button at the bottom right. You will have the option to enter your phone number and have support call you, or talk to someone through live chat. If you pick the calling option, you don't have to hold...
Dreadful customer service. We bought fifa points via PlayStation store. They never appeared on the ea sports account. I followed the guidance to retrieve them, but nothing, so I wrote via email, in the end writing 3 separate emails and eventually had email back saying the case was closed…...
Enrollment number A unique identifier supplied by Microsoft to identify the specific enrollment associated with an Enterprise Agreement.Enterprise administrator The person who manages departments, department owners, accounts, and account owners on Azure. They can manage enterprise administrators, view us...
Welcome to EA Forums, where you can chat about games with other players, help each other out, share feedback, and report issues you’re having with EA games.
Before you think that I'm just a moron, I urge you to google "Steam version Andromeda doesn't launch" and be baffled by the number of threads. I should have expected that there would be an issue with their terrible EA App, yet I'm still surprised that after wasting several hours of...
We want to understand how we as a partner can drive the net customer add numbers in the partner portal. We believe that we need to establish a DPOR for EA...
Minimum Number of Offline Players 1 Maximum Number of Online Players 22 Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) 6.60 x 4.10 x 0.40 Inches Release Date 09/29/2023 Warranty information As a consumer, you have certain statutory warranty rights under local law, in relation to your purchases. ...
In the kernel debugger: The number of times the "intercepted" bug check 0xEA was hit On the blue screen: 1CauseA device driver is spinning in an infinite loop, most likely waiting for hardware to become idle.This usually indicates problem with the hardware itself, or with the device driver...
尊敬的EA客服,我的EA账号因某种原因被封禁,但我没有违反EA社区规则和EA APP管理规则,请帮忙解封EA账号。谢谢! - 7544390