update to Windows 10 or Windows 11. Follow the steps in this article to download and install the EA app, or get more info for Mac or PC. How to download the EA app Go to the EA app page on EA.com. Choose between the EA app for PC or Mac. Select Download. If you’re on Ma...
EA app fonctionne uniquement sur un système d'exploitation en 64 bits sous Windows 7, 8, 10 et 11 hors tu es actuellement en 32 bits, ce qui explique ton message d'erreur. Il faudrait installer Windows 10 64 bits par exemple. ❌ Je ne réponds pas aux messages privés Voir le su...
如果服务器有问题,只需耐心等待并重试登录。 EAAPP错误代码inst-14-1603/错误代码inst-3-1307 确认Windows Installer服务 EAAPP错误代码inst-14-1603/错误代码inst-3-1307与Windows Installer服务相关。按下win+r组合键,输入services.msc,点击确定,打开服务窗口,找到Windows Installer,右击并选择启动;然后重启,再重新登...
I have windows 11, the install didn't work on the EA site or from the Xbox app. I had managed to install and open the application from a discussion forum where an MSI link was given. Unfortunately it only took a month for the application to stop working. I couldn't open it anymo...
-下载工具:首先,你需要下载Windows Installer CleanUp Utility工具。这个工具可以帮助你清理残留的安装信息。-运行工具:安装并运行Windows Installer CleanUp Utility。-选择EA Desktop:在工具中找到EA Desktop(或EA app),选定后点击“Remove”。-重新安装:清理完成后,重新下载EA Desktop并安装即可。方法三:使用...
最后,确认Windows Installer服务。就像是给游戏世界调整了“神经中枢”,通过确认并启动Windows Installer服务,你可以排除与之相关的问题,重启电脑后重新登录EAAPP,问题往往会迎刃而解,就像是给游戏世界调整了“神经中枢”,焕发出更强大的生命力。 以上就是关于解决EAAPP错误代码inst-14-1603和inst-3-1307的几招解决方...
For Windows, yes, the EA app has replaced Origin. For macOS, we'll be supporting the EA app as our primary gaming destination, but Origin for Mac will continue to be available for Mac players on macOS Mojave and older. I’ve been asked to download the EA app, what should I expect?
innholdet – inkludert spill som tidligere er installert – være klare i EA app. De lokale lagringsfilene og skylagringene overføres slik at du kan fortsette fra der du slapp. Vennelisten din overføres også, så du trenger ikke bekymre deg for å huske alle spiller-ID-...
Open the Windows Explorer and search forC:\Program Files\EA\AC Click onEAAntiCheat.Installer.exeto launch the installer. If you want to uninstall it for one game, choose the game you want to uninstall EA anticheat from and clickUninstall. ...