EA APP完整包下载链接:http://cdnorigin.wyjsq.com/EA-Desktop-Client-Download/installer-releases/EADesktop- 下载结束后选择路径正常安装 Origin平台完整包下载链接:https://download.dm.origin.com/origin/live/OriginSetup.exe 下载结束后选择路径正常安装 ...
首先,大家需要下载两个安装软件,第一步你需要下载EADesktop ,地址为:http://cdnorigin.wyjsq.com/EA-Desktop-Client-Download/installer-releases/EADesktop- ,这是EA app的安装包,然后第二步你需要下载EAappInstaller这个软件,地址为:http://www.ea.com/zh-tw/games/library/pc-download ,...
https://origin-a.akamaihd.net/EA-Desktop-Client-Download/installer-releases/EAapp- BOOM! It worked. I found out by looking at the "Recently added" list in the Windows Start menu. Hope it fixes it for you as well...! Screenshot_0.png Screenshot_1.png Reply...
下载完成之后,不要直接打开,打开下载目录,在ea安装包目录中,注意在这里按住shift键,右键点击空白处,弹出的选项中,点击在此处打开Powershell窗口(s) 然后在弹出的控制栏中输入 (.\EAappInstaller.exe /i DefaultInstallFolder="<安装路径>"),示例如下图, 按下回车安装,等待安装完成,eaapp就安装在我们的指定路径了...
4. Download EA App installer DONT RUN YET 5. go to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 and download appropriate architecture of latest C++ 6. Install the C++ Package 7. Go to Local Disk/Program Files/ Electronic Arts AND DELETE THE ENT...
origin-a.akamaihd.net/EA-Desktop-Client-Download/installer-releases/EADesktop- 会得到一个EA Desktop的安装包,进行安装就好了。
旧版EA APP网址:https://origin-a.akamaihd.net/EA-Desktop-Client-Download/installer-releases/EAapp- 游戏 网络游戏 EA EA APP 问题解决 烂橘子 解决 C盘 改文件 Garland_No_1 小白适用!如何用六西格玛增强问题解决的逻辑性?
Application InstallerWhen did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) July,3rd,2023Summarize your bug Can't install the appHow often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Install EA appWhat happens when the bug occurs? error code Inst-14-1603What do...
1、先去EA官网下载在线安装包。下载下来的安装包是一个名称为EAappInstaller.exe的文件。 2、在EAappInstaller.exe的文件目录下,按住 shift键 ,鼠标右键单击空白处,出现右键菜单,选择在此处打开Powershell窗口 (Open PowerShell window here)。 3、在Powershell窗口里输入.\EAappInstaller.exe /i DefaultInstallFolde...
Can download the installer onto my system but when I try to then install from there on it gets to about 80% and then shows an error message. I’ve tried putting the downloaded into a c: folder and starting as administrator but still has same result. I am in windows 11 for reference ...