Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
首先,关闭APEX Legends并退出游戏。然后,关闭所有与游戏相关的应用程序和进程。接下来,从电脑的开始菜单中选择重新启动选项,或按下电源按钮重启设备。待设备重新启动后,重新打开APEX Legends并尝试连接到EA服务器。 操作措施第三种:改善网 -络 因为有太多玩家游玩,导致服务器非常拥挤,网 -络也因此拥堵。在这种情况下...
Open Apex Legends using the desktop icon. See if the freezing and disconnecting still occurs. As i said before i didn't take notes of everything i did before taking these steps, but i only did a couple of things that i think are noteworthy. ...
Solved: Dear ea, ever since the start of season 7 of apex I have been having the same issue where i go to the main screen and get the message “unable
其中包括了全球玩家熟知且喜爱的体育竞技类游戏如《FIFA》系列、《Madden NFL》系列等;高质量的动作射击类游戏如《战地》系列、《Apex Legends》等。ea平台的连接问题给很多玩家带来了困扰,他们经常遇到连接超时和连接错误的情况。下面将提供一些解决方法来解决ea平台连接超时和连接错误的问题。
对,想玩Apex Legends得注册个EA账户,这是门槛。 来自Android客户端2楼2024-12-13 10:30 回复 天空的终章 孢子进化 1 需要,《Apex英雄》是一款由EA发行的免费大逃杀游戏,玩家必须拥有EA账户才能正常游玩、保存进度及联机等。 来自Android客户端3楼2024-12-13 10:32 回复 五官贼正 孢子进化 1 需要,《Ape...
亲亲您好,很高兴为您解答:EA的Apex legends正在修复中怎么回事,还能玩吗,解答为:其实apex正在修补的意思是:后台已经占用了本地磁盘,需要时间修复和更新内容。遇到这种情况可以等他缓和一下或者重新下载。Apex英雄正在修补是在验证游戏完整性,与磁盘速度以及网络有关系,遇到这种情况可以等他缓和一下...
Hello, I install apex legends correctly but when i try to open the game an error of no connection to ea serves appear, i try to select different data center from the list (smaller ping is 169 ms, maybe because i live in Mauritius) but nothing change. My connection is ok, i can play...
Open Apex Legends using the desktop icon. See if the freezing and disconnecting still occurs. As i said before i didn't take notes of everything i did before taking these steps, but i only did a couple of things that i think are noteworthy. ...
在出版商对进攻性大逃杀俱乐部名称进行打击后,EA 已经出来并为意外禁止 Apex Legends 玩家帐户道歉, 开发人员现在急于解决这个关于玩家被意外暂停的问题。 7月 29 日,多名 Apex Legends 玩家看到他们被封禁,尽管没有违反任何服务条款。许多人证实,原因是他们隶属于一家名称违反大逃杀黑名单章程的俱乐部。