现在再次尝试启动Apex legends如果该方法没有解决此问题。可能是您的电脑感染了病毒因此,您可以使用反病毒工具Malwarebytes来进行扫描。https://www.malwarebytes.com/当您完成扫描后请启动Ccleaner并运行注册表清理程序。https://www.ccleaner.com/确保您完成了引导步骤并且保存了注册表,请务必再三确认。当此步骤完成后...
認識《Apex 英雄》的協助工具選項。 在YouTube 上訂閱 EA 協助中心以獲得影片攻略與指南。
Apex Legends servers have stopped waiting for you to connect to them. Solution Check theApex Legends server statusto see if Apex Legends is down. Check@PlayApexand@EAHelpfor any reported issues. Run an internet speed test to make sure you’re not having problems with your internet connection...
我们注意到您的EA帐户违反了EA的游戏规则。由于您的帐户作弊,我们已永久阻止您访问Apex Legends的在线功能。•了解如何在比赛中遵守规则https://help.ea.com/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/play-by-the-rules-in-apex-legends•审查我们的完整用户协议。这是您在玩EA游戏或使用EA服务时同意的:http://www.ea...
OK so i'm happy to report that my game is playable at this point in time: the freezing still happens however the game recovers after 6-7 seconds and... - 5286600
https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/issues/guide/- 事实上,复制和粘贴,EA CM只是留下了Steam和Uplay的说明,但没有添加Origin指令。几乎就像在复制和粘贴之前甚至没有完全阅读... 顺便说一句:在你的库中右键单击Origin中的Apex游戏,然后选择“修复”以执行类似于上面的Steam和Uplay过程的文件验证...
2 EA和腾讯的IP方/开发方之争。EA认为自己有IP有优势的情况下,选择在大多数地区自行发行。但EA真正...
Sollte dein Problem weiterhin bestehen, oder du ein aktuelles Anliegen hast, mache bitte einen neuen Beitrag auf. Bitte achte immer auf das Datum des letzten Posts, und wann der Thread erstellt wurde. Danke! /closed -Vendcera About Apex Legends Technische Fragen & Bugs Recent Discussions...
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
Using software or cheat tools that disconnect other players from the EA servers. Teaming up and playing with other players who are using cheats. In-game cheating is not fair play and hurts the experience for the players you’re playing against. Don’t make false claims Making a false claim...