一、美国E2签证申请条件 主申请人有美国E2缔约国公民身份,所以一般E2会搭配一些护照使用,主要协约国家有土耳其、格林纳达、克罗地亚等等,关于缔约国有哪些可以查询如下网站:https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/fees/treaty.html 主申请人实质性投资美国企业,拥有大于或者等于...
Section A: Overview of the E2 Visa Section B: E2 Visa Eligibility Requirements Section C: E2 Visa Application Process Section D: E2 Visa Forms and Supporting Documents Section E: E2 Visa Granted Section F: E2 Visa Application Refused Section G: Benefits of the E2 Visa Section H: E2 Visa ...
Our exceptional success rate on visa applications allows us to offer an Approval Guarantee for all new clients. Before taking you on, we'll meticulously review your documents to ensure your application meets all requirements for approval. This guarantee is subject to our approval policy. Unrivaled ...
Applying for an E2 visa is a serious endeavor. Therefore, those seeking admission to the United States in E2 status are well advised to contact an American attorney to ascertain if ones investment in the USA fits the criteria for E2 visa issuance. For those who have yet to invest in the ...
北马其顿于2021年3月份正式推出投资入籍法案,完成政府要求的捐款20万欧,即可获得北马其顿护照。 北马其顿公民也可以申请E-2投资者签证。 美国E2条约官网链接 https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/fees/treaty.html...
然后进入UKVI官网:https://www.gov.uk/get-access-evisa,下拉点击"Start now"; 创建UKVI账户:在申请eVisa前,必须注册UKVI账户,已拥有UKVI账户的同学可跳过。 01 打开表格填写链接 登录网站:https://www.gov.uk/get-access-evisa 02 下滑点击点击"Start now"...
英国内政部宣布,e-Visa的申请门户已经向所有实体BRP持有者开放。申请人不再需要等待电子邮件邀请即可申请e-Visa! 图源:Gov.uk 01 什么是e-Visa 来到英国的同学,肯定对BRP都不陌生,这是每个在英国停留6个月以上的人都必须领取的重要文件之...
2.The people who need American E2 visa include : 1.Hope to study in the United States quickly, to further enter the famous school opportunities, save the cost of studying abroad. ( 2 ) People who want to stay in the United States to start a business or work after graduation. ...
投资领域不限:小到个体户,大到跨国公司均可; 无移民监:E-2签证持有人没有移民监,不必每半年登陆一次美国; 可无限续签:只要投资的商业继续运营,可以无限续签; 配偶可在美国合法工作; 子女可免费就读顶尖公立学校(小学到高中12年级); 转绿卡:满足EB-5的情况下,可以申请绿卡。 RuistarVisa...