What countries can applyfor E2 VISA This is a list of the countries that have E2 Treaty with the USA.Expert guidance Championing Excellence: Our Affiliation with the International Franchise Association At Visa to America, we take pride in our affiliation with the International Franchise Association...
E2条约国投资人签证只授予那些与美国缔结国际贸易和航行条约的国家的公民。 Treaty Countriestravel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/fees/treaty.html 有80多个, 一般为美国的盟国, 友好国家或者策略伙伴国,譬如说, 加拿大, 新加坡,韩国, 中华民国(台湾)等, 也包括了一些知名度...
Section B: E2 Visa Eligibility Requirements The E2 Treaty Investor visa allows individuals from Treaty countries to invest in a US business, either by setting up a new enterprise or investing in an existing one. As specified in the US Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual (9 FAM 402.9),...
UK E2 visa applicants will grow in number. Because of Brexit, the COVID-induced recession, and a strong currency, I expect more UK entrepreneurs to invest in the US. The number of applicants has always been high but has trended upward for the last two years, settling at 3,253 in FY20...
E-2签证是发给和美国有缔约国(Treaty Countries)条约国家的公民的居留签证。也指“条约投资者签证”,是一种长期、可续签的非移民类工作签证。 E-2签证发放给在美国创立或购买公司的投资人,且投资人必须是与美国有商业和航海条约国家的公民。 投资者通过为美国经济注入资金(通常不低于20万美金),创造就业机会,并保障...
由美国E2签证中心负责,美国E2签证中心(AEVC, American E2 Visa Center)是美国投资促进署(USAIPA, ...
The E2 Visa Those wishing to invest in a business enterprise in the United States of America sometimes opt to apply for an E2 visa. This travel document is very useful for those from countries which share certain types of trade agreements with the United States of America. ...
在2023财政年度,美国签发了近54000份E2条约投资者签证,比前一年增加了20%,这是有记录以来的最高数字。专家们认为,人们对该签证兴趣的激增归因于新冠肺炎疫情期间被压抑的需求,以及今年大选后可能出台更严格的移民政策。 一、审批量创下历史新高 在能够申请美国E-2签证的缔约国(Treaty countries)中,大多数国家的E2...
Countries Most E2 Visas 2018年E2签证获批数量最多的两个国家分别是日本和德国,这其中绝大部分E2签证都是通过类似像西门子这样的大公司所提供的海外经理职位来申请的。而其他国家的E2签证则主要来自个人投资人通过在美国经营小生意的方式来获得。 一些申请人具有双重国籍,通过亲属入籍或投资入籍的方式获得E2协约国的国...
E-1 VISA APPLICATIONS If you are exploring an E-1 Treaty Trader Visa, E-2VisaWorld can help. This non-immigrant visa is available for residents of specific countries who conduct substantial trade from and with the United States. Learn more about the E-1 Visa here. ...