dysplastic发育不良痣(dysplastic nevus)是一种具有潜在恶性倾向的皮肤病变,其特点为痣细胞形态异常和结构紊乱。以下从特征、关联性及管理三方面展开说明: 一、临床特征与表现 发育不良痣通常呈现不规则形态,边界模糊,颜色不均匀(如棕褐色混合黑色),直径常超过5毫米。好发于躯干、四肢等暴露或非暴...
dysplastic nevus基本解释 发育不良痣;母斑;发育不良性痣;发育不好的痣;不典型母斑 分词解释 dysplastic混合体型 nevus痣 猜你喜欢 basal cell nevus syndrome基底细胞痣综合征 achromic nevus无色素痣 blue rubber bleb nevus yndrome蓝色橡皮泡痣综合征 dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma发育不良性小脑神经节细胞瘤 ...
dysplasticnevus网络发育不良痣 网络释义 1. 发育不良痣 概述: 发育不良痣(dysplasticnevus)又名发育不良痣综合征;B-K综合征;临床上常被误认为是浅表播散性恶性黑色素瘤而本 …www.myyao.com|基于2个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
(redirected fromDysplastic nevus) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia ne·vus (nē′vəs) n.pl.ne·vi(-vī′) Any of various congenital or acquired lesions of the skin or oral mucosa that are usually pigmented and raised and may include epidermal, connective, vascular, or other types ...
See:dysplastic nevus syndrome. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 dys·plas·tic ne·vus syn·drome (dis-plas'tik nē'vŭs sin'drōm) Clinically atypical nevi having variable pigmentation and ill-defined borders, with an increased risk for development of cutaneous malignant melanoma...
The dictionary defines dysplastic as an "abnormal growth or development of cells, tissue, bone, or organ" and nevus as "any congenital anomaly of the skin, including moles and various types of birthmarks," or "any congenital growth or pigmented blemish on the skin; birthmark or mole." So ...
the term dysplastic nevus syndrome (DNS) for similar cases. 2 Still in 1980, Elder et al. described the presence of atypical nevi in a non-familial context and referred to it as sporadic dysplastic nevus syndrome. 3 In 1983, Lynch et al. introduced the term FAMMM ( ...
dysplastic中文翻译 混合体型 dysplastic是什么意思 网络发育异常的; 异型; 增生不良 词组短语 1.cochleosacculardysplasticdeafness蜗管球囊发育不全性聋... 2.cochleardysplasticdeafness蜗管发育不全性聋... 3.dysplasticcells发育不良的细胞... 4.dysplasticnevus发育不良痣;综合征 ...