nevus- a blemish on the skin that is formed before birth birthmark blemish,mar,defect- a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body); "a facial blemish" nevus flammeus,port-wine stain- a flat birthmark varying from pink to purple ...
In order to determine if individuals with dysplastic nevi (DN) are relatively more sun-sensitive than controls who do not have DN, the sun-reactivity skin types (based on the Harvard classification) were determined in these two groups. Compared with controls, sun-sensitive types were ...
See:dysplastic nevus syndrome. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 dys·plas·tic ne·vus syn·drome (dis-plas'tik nē'vŭs sin'drōm) Clinically atypical nevi having variable pigmentation and ill-defined borders, with an increased risk for development of cutaneous malignant melanoma...
of the last name of each patient of the two families described by Clark) was used to characterize these patients with many nevi. 1 In 1980, Greene et al. used the term dysplastic nevus syndrome (DNS) for similar cases. 2 Still in 1980, Elder et al. described the ...
Recurrent Dysplastic Nevus Following Shave Excision Abstract Distinguishing benign from malignant melanocytic lesions is an on-going challenge for the clinician and the histopathologist. The regrowth of beni... PH Duray,VA Livolsi - 《Journal of Dermatologic Surgery & Oncology》 被引量: 22发表: 1984...
Atypical (Dysplastic) Nevus Atypical or dysplastic nevus is our preferred term for a group of melanocytic skin tumors which cause endless debate and controversy. Synonyms include atyp... R Hofmann-Wellenhof,HP Soyer - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 10发表: 2007年 Dysplastic nevi and the dysp...
Define dysplastic. dysplastic synonyms, dysplastic pronunciation, dysplastic translation, English dictionary definition of dysplastic. n. Abnormal development or growth of tissues, organs, or cells. dys·plas′tic adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of
Dysplastic Nevus SyndromeSkinSkin NeoplasmsAuthor information: (1)Dermatopathology Division, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.doi:10.1111/j.1600-0560.1991.tb00147.xRaymond L. BarnhillJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of Cutaneous PathologyBarnhill RL. Current status of the dysplastic melanocytic nevus...
1. A congenital discoloration of a circumscribed area of the skin due to pigmentation. SYN:SEE:birthmark; SEE:mole 2. A circumscribed vascular tumor of the skin, usually congenital, due to hyperplasia of the blood vessels. SEE:angioma
2003;48:663-671, with permission from the American Academy of Dermatology.) 展开 关键词: Humans Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome Nevus, Pigmented Diagnosis, Differential Adult Skin Neoplasms Female Male DOI: 10.1001/archderm.139.11.1522 被引量: 110 ...