Dynmap is a great way to customize your Minecraft server. You can integrate your region plugins such as Towny or Factions to really bring a realistic feel to your community. While Dynmap is great, make sure that you are only using it if your server has enough resources to support it as i...
To build and get all jars in target/, run:./gradlew setup build Or (on Windows):gradlew.bat setup build The Forge 1.12.2 versions (specifically ForgeGradle for these) are very sensitive to being built by JDK 8, so to build them, set JAVA_HOME to correspond to a JDK 8 installation,...
To build and get all jars in target/, run:./gradlew setup build Or (on Windows):gradlew.bat setup build The Forge 1.12.2 versions (specifically ForgeGradle for these) are very sensitive to being built by JDK 8, so to build them, set JAVA_HOME to correspond to a JDK 8 installation,...
To build and get all jars in target/, run:./gradlew setup build Or (on Windows):gradlew.bat setup build The Forge 1.12.2 versions (specifically ForgeGradle for these) are very sensitive to being built by JDK 8, so to build them, set JAVA_HOME to correspond to a JDK 8 installation,...
To build and get all jars in target/, run:./gradlew setup build Or (on Windows):gradlew.bat setup build The Forge 1.12.2 versions (specifically ForgeGradle for these) are very sensitive to being built by JDK 8, so to build them, set JAVA_HOME to correspond to a JDK 8 installation,...
How to build Dynmap 3.x+ uses Gradle v8.7 for building support for all platforms, with all resulting artifacts produced in the /targets directory. Due to Minecraft 1.18.x+ requirements, the developer's default JDK must be a JDK 21 version - older versions will still be compiled to run on...