Always output data files as UTF8 without BOM Better performing papyrus scripts thanks to pointers from Borgut1337. Better support for reading any text/ini file from BSA. Fixed a bug with supporting mods that add new cells beyond borders, reported by Kelmych. ...
It is possible to update the TVDT data on CELLs in a single plugin by starting the tool in edit mode. Generate/Update object LOD first so the object LOD meshes match the current state of the worldspace. As suggested in the included documentation, generate max height data for all cells wi...
Navigate to theDynDOLODOutput directory <Mod Organizer 2 path\mods\DynDOLODOutput> place it below TexGen Output in the Left Pane of Mod Organizer 2 and activate it. Manually placeDynDOLOD.esm after Gray Fox Cowl.esm. Also, here is my modwatch: ...