III. 在「驱动程序」栏找到「Intel Dynamic Tuning Driver」并下载文件. IV. 将档案存在指定的位置并进行解压缩. 2. 安装驱动(dptf_acpi.inf 和 dptf_cpu.inf) I. 在解压缩的文件夹中,前往「driver > drivers > x64」并找到「dptf_acpi.inf」 和「dptf_cpu.inf」(欲确认档案的扩展名,请选取「查看」并...
Intel Inside, Excellence Unleashed: The Dynamic Tuning Driver : Intel Inside, Excellence Unleashed: The Dynamic Tuning Driver
戴尔Intel Dynamic Tuning Driver 主板驱动 8.7.10401.16510, A08版 For Win10-64/linux 操作系统:Win10-64/linux 发布厂商:戴尔 发布日期:2021/04/02 文件容量:17MB 驱动种类:官方正式版 适应硬件:主板驱动 驱动说明: 驱动精灵提供Intel Dynamic Tuning Driver驱动官方正式版下载安装。戴尔 Intel Dynamic Tuning Dr...
I'm thinking that the installer likely does more than just swap out the driver, it must write some configs or other background stuff. I guess my question is: how can I 'manually' install the drivers for DTT? I can see that there's an ipfsvc.exe file - can that be used with a...
I have an MSI laptop, bios and engine management firmware updated; latest dynamic tuning driver provided by MSI. Operating system is Windows 11. Every time the laptop goes through the restart cycle, and only then, I end up with the following error in Event Viewer: ESIF(8.7.10402.18389) TYPE...
Guide on where to find the driver for Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology for Intel® NUC P14E Laptop Element - CMCN1CC.
Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology Driver device constantly reading and writing to disk. WUDFHost.exe Subscribe More actions TimNielsen Beginner 10-27-2023 09:26 AM 15,041 Views The process WUDFHost.exe is writing to C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Intel\ipf...
Driver version: The system was hibernated due to a critical thermal event. Hibernate Time = 2021-02-20T03:49:42.124067000Z ACPI Thermal Zone = Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning: WRLS_HOT = 358K 翻译 标记: 358k