1. 在BIOS中开启 “Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology” 在安装Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology(DTT)驱动程序前,必须先在BIOS中开启“Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology”。前往“OC\CPU Features” 目录,开启“Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology”。 2. 安装Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology(DTT)驱动程序 主板支持页面下载DT...
III. 在「驱动程序」栏找到「Intel Dynamic Tuning Driver」并下载文件. IV. 将档案存在指定的位置并进行解压缩. 2. 安装驱动(dptf_acpi.inf 和 dptf_cpu.inf) I. 在解压缩的文件夹中,前往「driver > drivers > x64」并找到「dptf_acpi.inf」 和「dptf_cpu.inf」(欲确认档案的扩展名,请选取「查看」并...
I figured out this is all related to the Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology device drivers. Upon disabling those devices, the problem ceased. Stopping the Intel services had no effect. Had to disable the device driver. It's running through WUDFHost.exe and it's still writing to that lo...
开机进入BIOS,在高级界面中找到OC大类,找到CPU特征一栏,看到Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology的开关,调整至允许即可,按F10保存回车重启。接着在微软商店找到APO的APP,直接安装即可,啊鲁猜这软件只有1星评分是不支持WIN10吧,哈哈。选择接受即可。安装后查看设备管理器,如果出现框内信息(Intel Dynamic Tuning Tech...
I understand you are having an issue installing the Intel® Dynamic Tuning Technology (Intel® DTT). I would like to let you know that Computer manufacturers can customize how Intel® DTT works in their driver software and they should provide you with the right steps to install it on ...
The Intel® NUC P14E Laptop Element - CMCN1CC has been affected by Security Advisory SA-00875 and a new version of the Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology driver must be downloaded to fix the advisory. Resolution To download the updated driver for the Intel dynamic Tuning Technology (Intel DTT...
Intel Inside, Excellence Unleashed: The Dynamic Tuning Driver Technology – Rebellion Research In modern computing, the synergy between hardware and software is pivotal in optimizing performance and efficiency. A prime example of this alliance is theintel dynmic tuning drivers, which, with its Intel ...
微星主板中,进入BIOS高级模式,前往Overclocking(超频)菜单的CPU Features子菜单中,找到Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology,选为“Enabled”,保存退出即可。 在BIOS中开启了DTT支持后,接下来就需要在系统中安装驱动,当前支持第12代、13代的APO需要使用Intel DTT 9.0.11405.42569和IPF Driver V1.0.11405.42038,高于这个版本或者...
一:BIOS開啟DTT(Dynamic Tuning Technology)選項? (以下舉例:PRIME B760M-A D4和Intel CPU i9-14900KF為例) 1. 電腦開機後,立即按壓鍵盤上的”delete”或者”F2”鍵,進入BIOS [EZ Mode] 2. 按壓鍵盤F7鍵,進入[Advance Mode],並點選[Advanced]頁面的[Thermal Configuration]選項,如下圖所示: ...