6. The decision to abort a female conception at the first parity can be expressed as θ1i –A i –γ1i –(θ i –F –.49A i ) or F –.51A i –γ1i . Intuitively, if the fine exceeds 51% of the cost of sex selection and the value of a first daughter, these parents are...
In another context, we fed the TARDBP binding genes into the STRING74to build a protein–protein interaction (PPI) network to visualize the interactions and adhesion pathway. As depicted in Supplementary Fig.18and Supplementary Note14, a total of 537 nodes and 1851 edges were obtained, where ne...
Specific scaling predictions then depend on the origin of the workW, and each distinct origin defines a dimensionless index of ‘dynamic similarity’, Πi. Animals that use the same source of work move with equal Πi, and, in that sense, each Πimay be interpreted as a concrete hypothesis...
In this sense, they are biophysically informed multivariate analyses of distributed brain responses. Most DCMs consider point sources both for fMRI and EEG data (c.f., equivalent current dipoles) and are formally equivalent to graphical models, which are used as generative or causal models of ...
Calls for papers Collection 1. Advances on Pursuit and Evasion Games and Applications This special issue is aimed at bringing together different approaches from various fields of Mathematics to model and solve new pursuit-evasion... Status
a dimensionless number akin to the Reynolds number in fluid mechanics. The scaling of Γ indicates a transition from a dominance of muscle forces to a dominance of inertial forces as animals grow in size; its magnitude defines conditions of “dynamic similarity“ that enable comparison and estimate...
Most LLMs have effectively memorized most public bio-ontologies. To minimize the possibility of test data leakage, we used only terms that had been added to ontologies after the training data cutoff of the major GPT models. However, this limited the size of the test corpus, and may have ...
These papers describe the dynamic contribution of the various types of sites for fulvic and aggregate Cu(II) complexes for the first time. Whenever possible, the metal fluxes computed by MHEDYN are compared with those given by another code, FLUXY, based on a fully different mathematical ...
The scientific papers used for building the real networks were acquired from WoS core collection. The variables for each record took into account bibliographic references. The search equation for each network considered specific topics trying to obtain an advanced temporal evolution in terms of the ...
Understanding biotic responses to large scale environmental changes -either past or recent- is one of the main goals of macroecology and macroevolution. Major biological events that took place during the Palaeozoic, such as the Cambrian Explosion, the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE),...