SAP Memory & ABAP Memory超级详细解析 丢到ABAP内存'ABAP_MMR',被调用的FM是在internal session内运行(或是用submit和calltransaction)。 程序代码:(类的方法里不能使用这种语法,只能用下面...创建一个T-code运行结果(勾上setparameter后,当修改屏幕上的数值时也会反映到SAP memory里): 备注:在Data Element里有...
FORM get_components_ddic USING p_name TYPE any CHANGING pt_component TYPE abap_component_tab. DATA : lrf_linetype TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr. lrf_linetype ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_name( p_name ). pt_component = lrf_linetype->get_components( ). ENDFORM . "get_compon...
it's in a method and the entry parameter is IT_DATA type DATA. But when I want to loop at IT_DATA, the system return an error : IT_DATA is not a table. Can you show me how to do to arrive to loop at this table ? You must be a registered user to add a comment. If ...
*根据字段目录创建动态结构类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_structdescr=》create EXPORTING p_components = lt_comp RECEIVING p_result = lr_struc. *根据动态结构创建动态内表类型 CALL METHOD cl_abap_tabledescr=》create EXPORTING p_line_type = lr_struc RECEIVING p_result = lr_table. *参照动态结构类型和动...
ABAP-Dynamic Document的应用 1 ALV报表输出的抬头部分是HTML格式的文档,看上去挺美观的。经研究发现,他其实是调用的所谓的Dynamic Document。这是SAP系统中定义的一个全局对象,有一个专门用来说明这个东西的帮助文档。其实我们不需要懂那么多,只要了解几个重点,再懂点HTML的语法,就可以做出相应的输出文档。以下是...
0 Kudos 97 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, What is meant by dynamic selections in ABAP HR report using a LDB?Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Dec 24 9:40 AM 0 Kudos 74 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Refer to this link... Reply ...
For this purpose, the class CL_WD_BUTTON, and all other basis classes of UI elements, contains the appropriate method – for the example above, this is the method SET_TEXT. In the same manner, you can set or change all other properties of a UI element. For example, you can assign an...
CALL METHOD im_workitem_context->get_decision_alts IMPORTING et_decialts = lt_decialts. * 1. Change the decision text to reflect the next approver based in the AMOUNT. READ TABLE lt_decialts ASSIGNING <decialt> WITH KEY altkey = '0001'. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF lv_amount <= 500. <...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, NW ABAP Remote Function Call (RFC) Hi, In a general scenario, all RFC destinations are defined in SM59, and programs call other system, by using the following method. Call function 'ABC' destination dest. I want to try and make a dynamic call, to ...
call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table EXPORTING it_fieldcatalog = ifc IMPORTING ep_table = dy_table. *设定<dyn_table>指向 dy_table assign dy_table->* to <dyn_table>. *下面这句建立了一个<dyn_table>类型的工作区Work area ...