CALL METHOD は、外部オブジェクトをABAP で処理することができるキーワードのグループに属しています。現在は、オブジェクトモデル OLE2 のみがサポートされています。すなわち、すべてのオブジェクトは OLE2_OBJECT の型である必要があります。この型およびその他の必要なデータは、IN...
The system class CL_ABAP_DYN_PRG, for example, can be used to do this. See Dynamic Calls. System Fields The system field sy-subrc is set to 0 when a method is called. If a non-class-based exception is raised that was handled by the assignment of a value, sy-subrc is set to ...
1. CALL FUNCTION 'ME_DISPLAY_PURCHASE_DOCUMENT'EXPORTINGi_ebeln = itab-ebelnEXCEPTIONSnot_found = 1no_authority = 2invalid_call = 3preview_not_possible = 4OTHERS = 5.2. SET PARAMETER ID 'BES' FIELD itab-ebeln.CALL FUNCTION 'ME_DISPLAY_PURCHASE_DOCUMENT'EXPORTINGi_ebeln = itab-ebelni_...
Step 1: Create an ABAP WebDynpro component with a method to share with other WD apps. ABAP DynPro Name: ZWD_CMP_SHARED_POPUPS Step 2: Create an attribute of the COMPONENTCONTROLLER called POPUP_WINDOW of type IF_WD_WINDOW. Step 3: Create a new view called V_POPUP_OK and a new windo...
CALL METHOD CL_ABAP_CONTAINER_UTILITIES=>FILL_CONTAINER_C EXPORTING IM_VALUE = ZEMM_EXTEND_PLANT IMPORTING EX_CONTAINER = p_lit_IDOCData-sdata a® Reply naimesh_patel Active Contributor 2008 May 30 7:13 PM 0 Kudos 1,265 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Try to use the ...
在ABAP 帮助文档里,将这种通过 CALL 关键字进行的函数调用,标记为 System Function Call - 系统函数调用,只能由 SAP 内部使用,不建议用于应用开发。 CALL 后跟的系统函数名称,需要在 SAP Kernel 源文件 sapctab.h 里声明,并且修改此类系统函数,需要重新编译和链接 ABAP Kernel. ...
1 Kudo 571 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I think it all looks fine... Not sure if this matters or not: ls_methode-methodname = 'get_version'. I think you might need to have the method name in all caps. ls_methode-methodname = 'GET_VERSION'. Reply All...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi I am using with a quite success OLE2 automation in ABAP. I have a question how to run methods of OLE2 in ABAP to move a picture on the excel worksheet. I saved this in excel macro: ActiveSheet...
METHOD main. DATA class_name TYPE c LENGTH 30 VALUE 'CL_ABAP_BROWSER'. DATA bdcdata_tab TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata. DATA opt TYPE ctu_params. bdcdata_tab = VALUE #( ( program = 'SAPLSEOD' dynpro = '1000' dynbegin = 'X' ) ( fnam = 'BDC_CURSOR' fval = 'SEOCLASS-CLSNAME' ) ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, I am very new to the ABAP world. I have been given a task to call a method if_hrbas_plain_infotype_access~read_single from the class CL_HRBAS_PLAIN_INFOTYPE_ACCESS in a program to see if we can use it to display some employee information....