In general, the acquisition of scattered light intensities of particles under thermal motion is deployed for nanoparticle characterisation (principle ofdynamic light scattering(DLS)). 在一般情况下,热运动粒子的散射光强度的采集被用于定义纳米颗粒的表征(动态光散射原理(DLS ) ) 。
Turn useless "statics" in Skyrim into something useful! Turn woodpiles, barrels, crates and hay bales into containers with appropriate contents. Drink or bottle mead, water, sk
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降雨会导致光线在雨幕间的多次散射,这个情况会导致雨幕呈现一种光晕。 Water particles in the atmosphere during the rain increase the amount of light scattering around objects. Multiple scattering effects are responsible for the appearance of glow around light sources in stormy weather. Toy Shop Demo通过...
Advanced bistable cholesteric light shutter with dual frequency nematic liquid crystal. Opt. Mater. Express 2012, 2, 1121–1134. [CrossRef] 11. Cheng, K.-T.; Lee, P.-Y.; Qasim, M.M.; Liu, C.-K.; Wikinson, T.D. Electrically Switchable and Permanently Stable Light Scattering Modes ...