3.The research of particle determination by dynamic light scattering spectrum;动态光散射法超细颗粒测量技术研究 英文短句/例句 1.The Determination of Single Scattering Region in Low-Coherence Dynamic Light Scattering低相干动态光散射中单散射区域的确定 2.Research about Sub-micro Particles Sizing Based on Dy...
New advance in study of particle sizing with dynamic light scattering; 对动态光散射颗粒测量技术中几个问题的讨论 3. The research of particle determination by dynamic light scattering spectrum; 动态光散射法超细颗粒测量技术研究 更多例句>> 5) Dynamic laser light scattering 动态光散射 例句>> 6...
In dynamic light scattering, the intensity of scattered light is monitored in the microsecond time range domain, versus the second in static light scattering. The Brownian motion of the particles induces broadening of the spectrum, in a way that is related to their size and shape [15]. ...
Detailed examinations of the dynamic light-scattering spectrum permitted us to conclude that a set of the contour length L of 300 nm and the Kuhn length -1 of 340 nm are much more probable than other sets of L and -1 that equally explain static quantities such as the radius of gyration....
Dynamic light scattering- measuring particle-size from the intensityspectrum of scattered lightEnglitz, BernhardB.Englitz, Measuring particle-size from intensity spectrum of scattered light, Biophysical Measurement, 2002, 173.ENGLITZ, B. "Measuring particle-size from intensity spectrum of scattere...
光的散射-(Scattering-of-light).ppt 热度: 51动态光散射 华东理工大学化学系胡英 51.1引言 前面第50章已讨论过瑞利散射,它是一种经典光散射,光子与颗 粒进行弹性碰撞,因而散射光的波长与入射光的相同,其强度则依赖于 散射角。测定瑞利散射,是研究溶液中颗粒的尺寸大小和形状的标准方 ...
light. It occurs when light travels in transparent solids and liquids, but is most prominently seen in gases. Rayleigh scattering is more effective at short wavelengths (the blue end of the visible spectrum). Rayleigh Scattering of one particle ...
Correct relations between the dynamic light scattering spectrum and the mechanical creep compliance and longitudinal stress modulus of a viscoelastic liquid are provided. Analysis of the effect of temperature fluctuations on the longitudinal stress modulus is also given. The result provides a basis for ...
Using dynamic light scattering, we studied the properties of light scattered from latex dispersions over a very broad range of volume fraction of latex,φ, between very dense (φ∼ 0.35) and very dilute (φ∼ 10−6) dispersion. We show that, at intermediateφ, the spectrum of decay ti...
Chapter 6 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Principles, Perspectives, Applications to Biological Samples Sven Falke and Christian Betzel Abbreviations and Acronyms ACF Auto-Correlation Function BSA Bovine Serum Albumin DDLS Depolarized Dynamic Light Scattering MALS Multi-Angle Light Scattering MES 2-(N-...