In the C# 3.0 version, targetRange.Columns[1, Type.Missing] returns object, and that’s why the casting to Excel.Range is necessary. But in C# 4 and Visual Studio 2010 such calls are silently converted into dynamic ones. So, the type of the targetRange.Colu...
In C# 4.0, the compiler won’t complain about that code. The analogous code using System.Object won’t compile and requires some hacks on your own—reflection or adventurous casting—in order to work. var vs. dynamic The keywords var and dynamic are only apparently similar. Var indicates tha...
Description Please help, I'm trying to figure out the reason, but still no luck. Maybe it is a bug. Our project contains several .so which parts are building in different ways (for example, boost and other 3dp libs with standalone toolch...
Here, casting to the IDictionary interface can help as well.And although I’ve been comparing LINQ to XML and ExpandoObject in this post, these two approaches are not “rivals”. You can convert ExpandoObject to XElement and vice versa. For example, this is what the ExpandoObject to X...
If we needed to implement casting in a more dynamic manner, we could always override the TryConvert method instead: public override bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result) { if (binder.Type.IsAssignableFrom(members.GetType())) { result = members; return true; } else { resul...
DNS server information in windows registry key do we need to implement all the methods of an interface? Does a private static variable make any sense? Does ToList( ) create a shallow or deep copy of an existing List<> collection? Down Casting in C# DropDownList.AddRange() dt.AsEnumerable...
A pointer to an object of typeDcan be safely cast toBorC. However, ifDis cast to point to anAobject, which instance ofAwould result? This would result in an ambiguous casting error. To get around this problem, you can perform two unambiguous casts. For example: ...
Bhering CL, Takahashi JM, Luthi LF, et al: Influence of the casting technique and dynamic loading on screw detorque and misfit of single unit implant-supported prostheses. Acta Odontol Scand 2013;71:404-409C.L. Bhering, J.M. Takahashi, L.F. Luthi, G.E. Henriques, R.L. Consani, ...
In this article Dynamic literals Dynamic object accessors Casting dynamic objects Building dynamic objects Show 4 more Thedynamicscalar data type can be any of the following values: An array ofdynamicvalues, holding zero or more values with zero-based indexing. ...
We have to cast each element to int instead, either by casting in the lambda expression or using the Cast method: IEnumerable<dynamic> numbers = new dynamic[] { 42 }; List<int> squares = numbers.Select(d => d * d).Cast<int>().ToList();...